DLWDB Database Information
prepared by
Daniel Lee Wenger
© 2020 by Daniel Lee Wenger
Santa Cruz, California
Additions and corrections should be sent to
Daniel Wenger
231 Chilverton St.
Santa Cruz, CA 95062
Acknowledgements Explanation of Notations Other Abbreviations
Other Wenger Progenitors
Sources of Information Location
of Cemeteries
Welcome to the DLW Database. The DLW
genealogy database contains over 520,000 names (last updated July., 2019) of
individuals, mostly descended from 18th century Mennonites, River Brethren
(Brethren in Christ) and German Baptist Brethren who settled in Lancaster,
Lebanon and Franklin Counties, Pennsylvania, in Ontario, Canada and in
Washington Co. Maryland and Botetourt Co. Virginia. In the 1800s many families
moved to Ohio, Iowa, Indiana, Illinois and Kansas. In the early 1900s there was
continued migration westward.
The database was originally developed in conjunction with the compilation of
the descendants and related families of Hans and Hannah Wenger. Three of their
sons and Hannah immigrated to Pennsylvania in 1748 and 1749. Their descendants
spread across the country and the world and now number over 130,000. After
publication of the “Descendants of Hans and Hannah Wenger”, Daniel L. Wenger
2000, work continued, focusing on the descendants of Christian Wenger,
immigrant of 1727. The database now contains over 190,000 descendants of
Christian Wenger and over 133,000 descendants of Hans and Hannah Wenger. Many
other families are also included in the database, including other Wenger lines.
There are over 196,000 names of individuals who are not descended from the Hans
and Hannah Wenger family or the Christian Wenger family. These names were
collected in order to assist in identifying possible other ancestors of Wenger
descendants and possible other Wenger descendants.
Acknowledgements Explanation of Notations
Other Abbreviations
Other Wenger Progenitors Sources of Information Location
of Cemeteries
This database was compiled using many
different sources and the contributions of many people. The project would not
have been undertaken if it had not been for the efforts of researchers of the C
line of Wengers and the G line of Wengers. Two G line Wenger researchers who
spent so many years collecting the information that formed the initial basis
for this document are Norman Wenger Nauman, G1132261 and Roger Daniel Winger,
G1832655. They are to be remembered as the initial genealogists of the Hans and
Hannah Wenger family. Two C line Wenger books provided the bulk of the information
that formed the basis of the C. “History of the Descendants of Christian
Wenger”, Jonas G. Wenger, Martin D. Wenger, Joseph H. Wenger, 1903 and “The
Wenger Book”, Samuel S. Wenger, Earle K. Wenger, Helen I. Wenger, 1978. The
former book may be found at http://books.google.com.
Special acknowledgement needs to be given
to others.
Susan Mae Wenger, 1951.6.3, G111213121,
secretary of the Wenger Family Association, worked with Norman Wenger Nauman to
bring his records together into a coherent form. Susan supplied to DLW (the
compiler) her volumes of notes for inclusion in this document. Most of the
information labeled NWN was consolidated by Susan and entered into her
notebooks. Susan also made significant contributions to the format of the book.
Her suggestions have resulted in a vastly improved presentation.
Mary Ann McClarnon Fokken, G181255543, a
very active Wenger researcher, has worked closely with DLW in tracking down
numerous families. This work has involved many, many census and library
searches. Mary Ann's assistance has been extremely important.
Richard Lee Winger, G14546221 did extensive
research on the descendants of Abraham Wingert, G145. In the process he
organized much of the information on the other descendants, particularly in
Franklin County, PA and made that research available to DLW. Richard also made
his genealogy library available to DLW.
Deloris June Hammermeister Burdick, G18125F94 contributed her large history of
the descendants of Jacob Wingard, 1819.3.18 1900.8.24, G18125 and Susannah
Zook, 1825.11.17 1883.12.31
Orpha Joan Heitman Oppertshauser, G322D338
contributed her extensive research on current Sider, Climenhaga and Canadian
Winger families.
Special acknowledgement deserves to be
given to three others for supplying many corrections, updates and cemetery
locations. They are
The following researchers have contributed
greatly to this project, in particular, by supplying many obituaries.
Ira Burkholder Sollenberger,
1932.3.25, G14737217 Contributions labeled as IBS
Scott Buschlen http://www.buschlen.ca/index.php
Contributions labeled as Scott Buschlen
Robert W. Fish, 1947.9.19,
HH11243B222 Contributions labeled as rfish and rwfish.
Alan Wenger, 1943.2.2, C3824C53 undertook the task of entering into the
computer the contents of The Wenger Book (TWB). His efforts were helpful in
obtaining the information on the descendants of Christian Wenger, C.
Information from Robert is labeled RW-GED. Most of these references refer to TWB.
I would
like to mention also the very important web site SAGA/OMII http://www.saga-omii.org/TNG1112/
where many valuable genealogical
databases are published, rootsweb, a collection of familiy genealogies (NO
the collection of Mennonite Obituaries at http://www.mcusa-archives.org/MennObits/
These resources have been extremely important in collecting the information in
this database. The Morman database at http://www.familysearch.org
is of important value. Now there is an important new resources for genealogy,
FindAGrave www.findagrave.com
I would also like to acknowledge the
following large databases that have been very helpful.
which includes census information, and
Acknowledgement needs to be given to the
many, many individuals who have contributed to this project. Contributions have
ranged from published books, family genealogies and family information recorded
on slips of paper and in family bibles. Each and every piece has been a part of
the overall picture.
Acknowledgements Explanation of Notations
Other Abbreviations Other Wenger Progenitors Sources
of Information Location of Cemeteries
Explanation of Notations
The goal of this project has been to identify the many descendants of two
Wenger immigrants: of Hans and Hannah Wenger whose three sons immigrated to
America in 1748 and 1749. Hans, the father, is identified as Hans Wenger, G.
His children are given the numbers G1, G2, G3, etc. and of Christian Wenger
immigrant of 1727. Christian is identified as Christian Wenger, C.
Recent and reasonable estimates of the birth dates of the children of Hans
Wenger, G1 has led to the adoption of new G numbers for some of these
offspring. Stephen, G11, Christian, G12, Judith, G13 and John, G14 have their
original G numbers. Maria had the number G18 and now has the number G15. Henry
had the number G15 and now has the number G16. Abraham had the number G16 and
now has the number G17. Martin had the number G17 and now has the number G18.
These new numbers are reflected on the monument that was placed in the
Jonestown, PA Wenger Cemetery in August, 1994 to honor Hans Wenger, G1 and his
children. This change of number of Hans Wenger, G1's children is referred to as
new ordering.
The G numbers of the children of John Wenger, G14 have been redetermined on the
basis of known information and some reasonable guesses. They differ from those
used in "The Wenger Book". Christian Wenger, G144 is now G141, John
Wenger, G145 is now G142, Martin Wenger, G146 is now G143, Jacob Wenger, G148
is now G140 and Abraham Wenger, G140 is now G145.
An individual is identified by name, birth date, death date, a possible
descendant code, such as G or C, and possible additional information. For
Wenger, 1742.2.2 1815.8.28, G18, (i1748)
describes Martin Wenger who was born on February 2, 1742 and died on August 28,
1815. Martin immigrated to America in 1748. His G code is G18. The G code is
the standard York code where G represents Hans Wenger, the father of the three
Wenger brothers who immigrated in 1748 and 1749. The offspring of Hans Wenger,
G are assigned the codes G1, G2, G3 and G4 for the first, second, third and
fourth born children. Martin Wenger, immigrant of 1748 is the eighth child of
the first-born child of Hans Wenger, G. Thus his code is G18.
For more than nine children, the tenth is assigned the code 0, the eleventh the
code A, the twelfth the code B, etc.
If a descendant with a G code marries another descendant with a G code then
there is the question as to which G code to use for their offspring. Their
children would have two G codes, but to simplify the notation only one G code
is kept. The rule followed here is that if the two parents, both descendants of
Hans Wenger, G are of the same generation, then the G code of the father is
used for the offspring. If the mother is an earlier generation than the father,
then the mother's G code is used for the offspring.
If an individual is a descendant of Christian Wenger, C, the immigrant of 1727
and the subject of "The Wenger Book", then that fact is indicated by the notation
If an individual is a descendant of Hans Lehman, 1700~ 1771, H, (i1737.10.8) ^,
then that fact is indicated by the notation LH (the L is used to differentiate
between a Hans Wengert, 1720~, H, (i1751) ^ descendant. See below for a full
list of family notations used.
If there is ( ) within the name then there are several possible meanings. The
enclosed name may be an earlier version of the name or an alternate version of
the name. The enclosed name may be a prior married name of the person. Some
sources do not indicate if the maiden name or the married name is within the (
) so in some cases there is ambiguity. If the maiden name is known then it is
outside of the ( ) and the married name is within the ( ). If there are two
prior marriages then both married names are include within the ( ) separated by
a /. At times if the name has been given in two forms, both forms are offered
with a / between them.
A date with ambiguity is indicated by a ? mark. A birth or death date of 1760~
would indicate that the date is approximate and could be off by a year or two
or even ten or twenty years if the estimate was based upon several generations
without more information. Some books use the notation circa or an abbreviation
of that word. Others use abt.
If the date is given as 1872+ then the birth or death occurred after 1872. If
the date is given as 1872- then the birth or death occurred prior to 1872. A
date such as 1893.4.6~ would indicate that the date is April 6, but the year is
in question. A date such as 1905.6 would indicate June, 1905 without a day
specified. The date 1930..6 would indicate a date of the sixth day of some
month in the year 1930. If the date is followed by a 'b' then that indicates
that the date is of baptism. If the date is followed by a 'p' then that
indicates a probate date.
The notation 0 in the additional portion indicates that the individual had no
descendants. The notation * indicates that descendants for that individual are
not known. The notation ^ indicates that there is no information on the parents
of the individual. The character 'a' in the additional section indicates that
the individual was a foster child or adopted or descended from an adopted
When the first name of a husband or father is not known, the notation father is
used. This does not imply that there were children.
Summary of Main Notations
~ means approximate (equivalent to the notation cir)
^ means no parent information
* means no descendant information
0 means no descendants
Acknowledgements Explanation of Notations
Other Abbreviations
Other Wenger Progenitors Sources of Information Location
of Cemeteries
Other Abbreviations
Brethren in Christ
German Baptist Brethren. Official name after the 1881 break
German Baptists Official name of the main body until name change, in 1908, to
Church of the Brethren (COB)
German Baptist (no electricity, no automobiles) also refer to themselves as GB
and Old Order
Order German Baptist used by petitioners of the 1920's split from the OGB
Church of the Brethren
Order Mennonite Congregation (Ontario, Canada)
Order River Brethren (note: this may also refer to the book "History of
the Old Order River Brethren"
Ref. Reformed
Reverend, Minister, Preacher, etc. Here there may be cause for criticism as
OGBB ministers are not called Reverend, Preachers were called preachers and not
reverend, etc. The use of Rev. is a generic term to mean that the person played
a role in the church as minister/leader/giver of spiritual guidance. In general
the religious affiliation of a person is not given unless that person has
played a role in the church, as Deacon, Rev., Bishop, Elder etc.
KS, Ks.
CA, Ca. Calif. California
PA, Pa.
NY New
OH Ohio
VA, Va.
IA, Ia.
Iowa (Note that Ia. has been used in some 19th century sources to mean Indiana)
The reader of this book must interpret carefully the meaning of Ia.
Acknowledgements Explanation of Notations
Other Abbreviations
Other Wenger Progenitors Sources of Information Location
of Cemeteries
Other Wenger Progenitors
Family codes used are: (see TWB for more detail)
A Hans
Wenger, 1660~, A, ^ father of
A1 Henry
Wenger, 1680 1753, A1, (i1717) * (A in TWB notation)
Christian Wenger, 1688 1749, A2, (i1718) (B in TWB notation)
The notation of John Fetzer is used for the A family and not that of TWB
Christian Wenger, 1698.5.1 1772.2.9, C, (i1727) The family of "The Wenger Book"
Lazarus Wenger, 1715.11.15 1796.12.16, D, (i1735.8.26)
E Hans
Wenger, 1700~, E, (i1737.10.8) ^
Johannes Wenger, 1700~, F, (i1747.10.20) ^
Johannes (Hans) Wenger, 1680~ 1749.9.9-, G, ^ The family of this book
H Hans
Wengert, 1720~, H, (i1751) ^
I Casper
and Jacob Wenger, (i17xx and i1764)
J Joseph
Wenger, (i1754)
K John
Wenger, 1730~, K, (i) ^ Amish
L Henry
? John Adam Wingard, 1726,, (i1752) ) ^ Immigrant to
Charleston, SC (not in NWN list of Wenger immig.) MWE
His descendants live in the Dutch Fork area of SC and in Pike Co., Alabama.
There is a town called Wingard, Ala. near Rural Home, off Hwy 29 south of
Montgomery. A cem. there has the grave of William Wingard, 1799.12.10
1872.10.27 They were slave owners and some of their slaves took the name
Wingard. There are today descendants of those slaves called Wingard.
? Phillip Jacob Wenger, 1799.12.13
1863.7.18,, (i ) ^ (not in NWN list of Wenger immig.) Immigration by Nov. 1825.
Born France. Children born in Lebanon Co., PA. Died Butler Co., OH.
Christian Wenger, 1800 1882, M, (i1835) ^
N John
Wenger, (i1848)
Christian Wenger Immigrant to Ohio
P Conrad
Wenger Immigrant to Morton, Ill.
Christian Wenger, 1756 1824 son Frederick Wenger, 1805.1.24 immigrated
R John
Wenger, 1802 Monroe, Wis.
S Jacob
Wenger, 1827
T John
Wenger, 1831
Frederick Wenger, 1854 Immigrant to Dover, Ohio
Christian Wenger Immigrant to Ohio? before 1858
Gottfried Wenger, 1868 1940, (i1883) Immigrant to Missouri
Y Joseph
Wenger, 1795 1846
Z John
Wenger, 1803, Z, (i1884?) ^
AA Karl
Michael Wenger's sons Joseph and Michael are G1817 and G1818
BB Noah
Wenger Native of Minsk, Russia. His children assumed the name Wenger
CC John
Hieronmius Wenger, (i1800~)
DD Beth
Gottlieb Wenger, (i1886)
Other Progenitors
HH Hans Hess, 1683.7.1 1733,, (i1717)
LH Hans
Lehman, 1700~ 1771, H, (i1737.10.8) ^
NA Hans
Heinrich Neff, 1660~, NA, ^
NF Johan
Christian Neff, 1718 1771~, NF, (i1743.9.17)
Ulrich (Schürch/Sherrick) Shirk, 1663.3.9 1739.7, SE, (i1728.8.23) ^
Casper Shirk Casper (Sherrick/Schirch) Shirk, (i1731.12/1732.5.15)
Acknowledgements Explanation of Notations
Other Abbreviations
Other Wenger Progenitors Sources of Information Location
of Cemeteries
Sources of Information
AAA Audrey Anita Allen, 1934, G184117451
AAC "The Cober Genealogy of Pennsylvania, Iowa, and Canada", 1933,
by Rev. Alvin Alonzo Cober, Ph., M., D.D.
ABMH Ada B. Martin, 1940.10.21, C571B228
AC Angela Chancellor chancell@cyberback.com
AC2 Amy Virginia Miller, 1957.7.31, G181139634, *
ACB "The Descendants of Abraham Reiff Burkholder, 1830 1911", by
Josephine Burkholder High provided to DLW by Alvin C. Burkholder
ACB2 Angela Brooks Champman, 1970, G1828231411
ACF Alice Coble, 1915, G14024437
ACW Ann Carol Wingert, 1947.8.21, G14275861 (Ann Osterman)
AGAF "History and Genealogy of Adam and Mary Ann Frey, 1811 1953”
AHB Ann M. Harris, 1935~ wife of James Philip Brandt,
1933.12.18, G14044434.
AHB2 "Record of the Ancestors & Descendants of Jacob Sherk Brubaker and
his brother Daniel Sherk Brubaker", Aden H. Brubacher
AHG "History of the Gerberich Family in America", 1925, A. H.
AJC Arleigh J. Carpenter, 1940~, C28401111, *
AJCW Aline Jeanette Clark irvinw@cvalley.net
AJF "A Breif History of John and Christian Fretz", 1890 by Rev. A.
J. Fretz
AJW Andrew J. White article in PMH Oct. 1996
AJW2 Andrew (Andy) J. Weyer AJWEYER@aol.com
AKH "A Keller History, Descendants of Hans Jacob Keller and Elizabeth Keller
of the Cocalico Valley" March, 1998 by Rachel Keller Spease
AKK Anita Kay Kuhns, 1968.7.13, G147171564, *
AKS "The Name and Family of Stauffer or Stouffer", by The Media
Research Bureau, Amos K. Stauffer
AKS2 "A Little Bit of Denlinger Family Record", 1951 by Amos K.
Stauffer via JEM
AL Alice Lenker
ALB "The Brechbill Family History" 1978 by Amos L. Brechbill,
1902.12.21 1990.2.10, G12323313 gives the descendants of Abraham Brechbill,
1811.11.16 1889.10.6 and Mary W. Huber, 1816.1.29 1892.10.19, G12323
ALB1 "The Brechbill Family History", part 1, 1972 by Rev. Earl D.
ALB2 "The Brechbill Family History" 1981+ part 2 by Amos L.
ALB3 "The Brechbill Family History" 1983+ part 3 by Amos L.
ALB4 "The Brechbill Family History" part 4 by Amos L. Brechbill
ALEH Al Lehman information
ALS "The Mennonite Christian Brotherhood Congregations", Amos Lamar
Strite, 1951.9.8, G1413173214
ALW "The Canadian Wingers' Ancestors and Descendants from 1700 to 1972".
Alvin Leroy Winger, 1883.11.17, G175941, Bishop. This document provides about
the descendants of Henry Winger, 1776.7.16 1867.7.2, G175
ALW2 Alton Leo Winger, 1924.9.23, G1831096
ALY "The Family and Descendants of Jacob Diehl", 1985, Abram L.
AMB Barbara Hawbaker Burkholder, 1909.9.26 1993..8.8,
G14719221, 0and Anna Mary Burkholder, 1921.3.9, G14719225, 0, "The Genealogy of
Ulrich Burkholder"., Pleasant Hall, Pa. 1967. This source covers the
descendants of Ulrich B. Burkholder, 1710 1786.1,, (i1732.8.11) º
AMF Alan Eugene Miller, 1959.1.29, G1321421611, Ames, Iowa
supplied on the Lights in Iowa
AMM Amos Michael Martin, 1865.1.10 1924.5.19, C271616
book, provided by Maria Eby
AMTT "Alexander Mack The Tunker", by ??
AO Abigail Oldham (Abigail Frances Wingert, 1936.5.10,
APL Alan Paul Leighton, 1954.10.30, G184A3622, 0
AR Albert Lee Rhone ajarhone@ameritech.net
ARBN "The Descendants of Amos M. and Bertha F. Nolt Redcay", 1987 by
Ruth M. Redcay
ASB "Family records mosty of three distinct groups and desscendants of
Joseph, David and Henry Bauman who settled as pioneers in Waterloo County up to
the year of 1825", 1940 by Angus S. Bauman
ASFH "A Sauder Family History, with Ancestors and
Descendants of Samuel G. Sauder and Elizabeth Eaby", 2008, Raymond
Sauder Martin and others
ATF "A Tree in a Forest" by Thomas R. Lehman, same as TRL
AW "Adam Wengert History" by Mary Edith Wengert, 1907.10.1,
G1771018 completed in 1973
AWM "The Ancestors and Descendants of Amos W. Martin and Elizabeth H. Martin",
1992, Elizabeth S. Martin and Raymond S. Martin
AWS "Abram W. Sollenberger Family", by Samuel Grove Sollenberger,
1901.8.2 1986.11.30, G1413B48 Published in 1968. Gives the descendants of
Abraham W. Sollenberger, 1822.4.30 1912.4.7, G1413B, Deacon
AZ Avery Walter Zook, 1934.9.28, G13659522
AZH "A. Z. Hess Family Festival Notes", 1991 by Ray M. Zercher
BAFC "Biographical Annals of Franklin County Pennsylvania", Beers,
BALanC "Biographical Annals of Lancaster County Pennsylvania", Beers
BALC "Biographical Annals of Lebanon County Pennsylvania", Beers,
BAN Beverly Ann Nolt, 1959.11.14, G1314552421
BB "Baker Book", 1996, Doris Oburn Johns
BBB "History and Genealogy of the Brubaker-Brubacher-Brewbaker Family in
America", by Phares Brubaker Gibble. Phares Brubaker Gibble, 1888.6.8
1967.4.7, G221528, Rev.
BBF "The Oberholtzer Book", compiled by Barbara B. Ford, 1995 LCCN
BBFG "Bauman/Bowman Family Genealogy", 1998 by William B. Bowman
BC Bernis (Bernie) Cassell, 1920~, G141144423
BC1 Betty Creath rcreath@azstarnet.com
BC2 Betty Cooper
BCT Brenda Cathleen Thompson, 1951.1.29, G1832821145
BDC "Bridgewater-Daleville College, 1880 1930", a history of the
two colleges. Information about those connected to Daleville College may be
found in this volume.
BDQ B. Dawn Quest dquast@citytel.net
BE Boni Ehmann (Boni Lynn Wilson, 1967.8.14, G1721432012) behmann@sprint.ca
BEH "Stover Genealogy, Biography and History", 1936 by Bertha E.
BER Beatrice Estella Rhoads, 1933.7.26
BF "Genealogy of the Brumbach Familes", 1913 Descendants of
Johannes Henrich Brumbach by Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh
BFB "The B. F. Buckwalter Family", 1971 by Mary Buckwalter Roth
BFE Bechtel Family Encylopedia
BFF "The Ancestors and Descendants of Benjamin F. Funk and Fannie Myers Funk
of Hamilton Twp. Franklin Co. Pa.", 1981 by Evelyn Funk Dice (Evelyn
Louise Funk, 1916.6.17, G14522852)
BFG "The Beeghley Family", 1949, by Steve Rasor's paternal
grandmother (found in the Brookville Hist. Society)
BFH "Bicksler-Bixler Family History 1728-1968", 1968 by David
Ellsworth Lick, 1863.3.1 1938.1.29 and Elizabeth Amy Lick, 1896.12.11, G13234422
m. Daub
BH1 Brian Hershey bhershey@redrose.net
BHA Beverly Haines, 1960.7.16, C41121812, *
BHB "The Genealogy of Henrich Huber", Barbara Hawbaker Burkholder,
1909.9.26 1993.11~, G14719221, 0 and Anna Mary Burkholder, 1921.3.9, G14719225,
0 Pleasant Hall, Pa. 1967. This source covers the descendants of Maria Wenger,
BHS Brookville Historical Society, Inc. P. O. Box 82,
Brookville, Ohio, 45309
BJHM "Bishop Jonas H. Martin, His Life and Genealogy",
1985, Raymond S. Martin and Elizabeth S. Martin
BKK Barbara A. Kupp, 1948.8.14, G1132123531
BL Bonnie Lou Layman, 1939.4.7 lairbon@worldnet.att.net
BL "Bachman Lineage", by Olive S. Kreider (found in LCHS)
BLR Brent L. Rodes database brentlr2001@yahoo.com
BLS Barry Lynn Sherry, 1955.7.5, G1412108113
BLW Betty Lou Wenger, 1946.12.10, G1889B2431
BM Bruce McCrea mccreab@sbcglobal.net
BM2 Barbara Jean Harlow, 1948.4.23, G1443151114
BMB Bonnie Mellinger Bingaman
BMR "The Wenger Family", by Brenda Mae Rife,
1953.10.24, G188916114 This book gives the descendants of Joseph Zook Wenger,
1835.9.21 1905.2.18, G18891 and also contains the story 'The Red Top Wagon', a description of the
expedition from Indiana to Oregon.
BS Bob Sweetlove sweetlov@jcstc.kos.net
BSB Carolyn Beth Simpson, 1953.2.22, G1411475B11, *
BSMC "Biographical Sketches of Montgomery Co. Ohio"
BSO Biography of Stark County, Ohio
BSRT "Biographical Sketches of Randolph Twp., Montgomery Co. Ohio"
BSW "The Wenger (Winger) Family Record", Bechtel Smith Winger,
1915.2.12, G18326541 Published 1987. This book provides on the descendants of
Martin Winger, 1791.8.5 1864.9.5, G1832
BW Bill Williams William38@aol.com
BZH Bonita (Bonnie) Rae Zuck, 1951.8.30, G131847932
CA Charles A. Andrews caandrew@vci.net
CAP Cynthia A. Pobst
CAT "Our Wenger Family", by Charles and Amanda Taylor 1986.
Provided on many of the descendants of Wenger, 1813.1.12 1864.10.30, G14152
Charles is Charles William Taylor, 1913.7.7 1985, G141523222, 0 A copy of this
document is in the genealogical library at the Garst Museum, Greenville, Darke
Co., Ohio
CB Charles T. Burton. This came to DLW from JGK in the form of
a booklette on the Kinzie family. Charles, a Botetourt Co. Va. historian passed
away in 1998. See CTBN
CB2 Curtis Oliver Byer, 1930.11.6, G17427424
CC Carolyn Joy Bierer, 1958.7.3, G18125314212
CDS Carol Devers Sadler carols@iland.net
CDV Mrs Christian DeVisser
CEW Charles Earl Wingard, 1935.8.13, G18407331, D.M.D.-
supplied much of the information on the descendants of Martin Wenger, G184 and
John Bechtel Wingard, 1812.6.30 1875.8.25, G1840
CF Carolyn Frazee
CF2 Chris Fox C7504613
CFG Chad F. Gottschlich chadfg@bellatlantic.net
CG Chuck Garst kgarst@roanoke.infi.net
CG2 Calvin Greimann, Lititz, PA Ccgreimann@aol.com via Sara Ann Myer, 1946.11.21, C754A014
CGV "Christian Gish of Virginia", 1989 by Josephine Costello
CH Cy Hill rchill@flash.net
CH1 Charles Heisterkamp kamp3genealogy@netscape.net
CHB Clifford Hugh Bauman, 1917.3.9, G18262931
CHC "And Johannes Begat Christian", 1985, by Constance Hunsecker
Cordell, (Constance Arlene Hunsecker, 1942.4.19 1990~, G147172421) The
Descendants of Johannes and Christian Frey of Franklin Co. Pa.
CHD Corinne Hanna Diller Cdiller@juno.com
CHF Holdeman Descendants
CHH Clarence Heise History of 20 Ontario, Canada families
found in MCA
CHPS Clarke H. P. Schneider, 1942.4.19, G141851251 of
Chicago, provided on G136 descendants and G18 lines and on his family
CK "Christian Kinzie _ - 1774 Born near Thun, Switzerland", 1981
by Catherine E. Smith
CLW Cora Lee Wingert, 1918.6.29, G14512794, 0
CMK "Christian Myers Kuhns Family Book", June 1990
CMK2 "The C. M. Kuhns Family Record", by Harry R. Kuhns (Harry
Raifsnider Kuhns, 1906.11.28 1985.10.27, G14717121)
CMW Ruth Witmer Snavely, 1923.11.15, G113311141 (Mrs.
Harold Frey) supplied information to CMW
CNC "Andrew Henry Wingert Descendants, A Genealogy", compiled by
Cheryl N. Cook, Oct. 1991
CP Charlie Parks chazp@erols.com
CPR Crystal Pauline Randel, 1902.12.30 1994.7+, G18345411
provided to RDW. She has also published articles on the Swiss Wengers and the
document "Our Kith and Kin" in 1960
CR Carole Resh rcarole@erols.com
CRM Charles Raymond McCrae, 1936.1.30, G181317422
CSF "The History and Genealogical Records of the Strite and Allied Families",
compiled by Carl E. Robinson and Amos Wishard Strite, 1896.4.20 1985.5.3,
G14131731 Published 1963 giving the descendants of Christian Streit.
CSW Charles (Chuck) Stanley Wengert, 1927.5.16 1992,
G17714121, 0 Information contained in the Robert Long (Robert Winfield Long,
1918.1.29 1992.7.17, G13352261, *) collection in the Hummelstown Area
Historical Society. Also, Long information contained in that collection
CTBN Charles T. Burton notes
CW Clarence Eli Wingard, 1876.8.30 1961.5.12, G181186, 0 did
extensive research on the descendants of John Wenger, G14 and Martin Wenger,
G18 His complete papers have not been found.
CW2 "The Family of Elizabeth Roth 1842-1918 and Joseph Wenger 1837-1917"
descendants of Christian Wenger, M
CWP Charles W. Peters
CWM Cyrene Alice Winger, 1910.9.5, D7281A2, a very active
researcher of the Wengers/Wingers that came through Oil City, Pa. She is a
descendant of Lazarus Winger, immigrant of 1735. Her research helped to resolve
conflicts between the descendants of Larazrus Winger and Henry Wenger, G16
DAB "American Boyers", Donald Arthur Boyer, 1992 by the Association
of American Boyers, Inc.
DAM "Ancestors and Descendants of Abraham N. Hoover and Annie R. Oberholtzer",
1992 by Doris A. Musselman
DAZ David A. Zavitz dzavitz@yahoo.com
DB David Blocher Blocker@Televar.com
DB2 Don Bowman via Merle Rummel
DBF Doris June Beers, 1929.3.22
DBS "David & Barbara Sensenig Family Record - 1873 - 1997",
1997, compiled by Violet Jean Garman and Ezra B. Martin
DBW David B. Wingert, 1940~, E1871332, *
DC Dan Cooke dan6kay@att.net
DCA “Descendants of Casper Acker”, 2003, by Gregg E. Jacobs
DCM unknown source. The source may be Donald Chester Metz,
1923.10.18, G18411925
DD Dick DeLauder Vet4u@aol.com
DEC2 David Elbert Climenhaga, 1919.6.14, G3314152, Bishop
DEG Debrah E. Giambalvo
DEN "Descendants of Peter M. Newswanger and Lydia Burkhart", 1986
by Donald E. Newswanger
deanco Information from Dean Cook deanco@juno.com
DENF Descendants of Michael Denlinger, ged file from
Carolyn Frazee
DEW Doris Evelyn Wingert, 1925.8.9, G181312111
DF Don Ford DFord87@aol.com
DFG David F. Greenawalt record found at the Shippensburg,
PA public library. 1346 Lida Lane, Pasedena, CA
DFH "The Deter Family History", a genealogy of Johann Georg Dieder,
1739 by Eunice Deter with Geraldine Deter and Theodore Deter
DFH2 "Dohner/Doner Family History"
DGC Dorothy Jean Griffiths, 1926.2.12, G141143521, *
(Crabb )
DGJ David G. Johnston, 1955~, G17516211x
DGR Daniel Gensemer Reinhold dreinhol@cub.kcnet.org
DGW Doris Gail Wingert, 1928, G14313381
DH Don and Jeanine Harter FamilyHart@aol.com
DH2 Dee Howard deeh@pacbell.net
DHE "Descendants of Henry Ebersole from 1823 to 1970" via IBS
DHG "The Descendants of Henry Gibbel", compiled by Ira W. Gibbel,
DHV David Hiram Vannet, 1949.7.2, G18125D611, *
DISD Dori I. Steckbeck, Director, Brethren in Christ
Historical Library and Archives, Grantham, PA archives@messiah.edu
DJ Dave Jenkinson jenkinson@fuse.net
DJB David Jacob Bachman, 1932.9.4, G132C1455, 0 David has
contributed on the Bixler, Hostetter and other families
DJD "Descendants of John an Susanna (Ulrich) Deeter", 1998, Gale
Edwin Spitler Honeyman, 1938.7.8, G1411346311, 0 and Linda Kay Stephens
DJH Deloris June Hammermeister, 1932.6.2, G18115F94 has
provided extensive information on the G18 line and was extremely helpful in
finding errors in drafts of this document. She collaborated with MAF to provide
over 2900 descendants of Jacob Wingard, 1819.3.18 1900.8.24, G18115 and Susanna
Zook dorryb@mcn.net
DJH2 "History, Ancestors & descendants of Jacob Wingard and Susannah Zook
Wingard", 2000 by Mary Ann McClarnon Fokken and Deloris Hammermeister
Burdick dorryb@mcn.net
DJHB “Descendants of John Hess Brubacher of Juniata
County and ‘Cooper’ John Sherk Brubacher of Ontario, Canada”
DJPD "Descendants of Johann Peter Wadel", 1999 by Lester M. Wadel,
Marilyn S. Wadel and Doris Jean Wadel Sollenberger
DJS "Descendants of Joseph Shirk" 1998 by Sarah Elizabeth Shirk
DJU Doris Jean Ulrich, 1950.6.20, G1133112322
DJW Delbert Jesse Wingerd, 1926.7.25, G17421371
DJWS Doris Jean Wadel, 1931.11.28, C27188124
DK Deborah (Debbie) Ann Green Hamilton, 1952.1.9, G132468381
DKN Daniel Kuhns Ness, 1938.7.3, G147171223
DL "The Descendants of Daniel Lehman", Daniel R. Lehman, 1983.
This book provided many Wenger descendants in the Franklin Co., Pa. area.
Daniel Lehman's dates are 1776 1847
DLC David L. Cocanower
DLD "A Dearing Family History", by D. Leona Dearing Sider
DLL Information contained in a 30 page compilation of
descendants of John Lesher, by Daniel R. Lehman and based upon the research of
Daniel D. Lesher, done in the early part of the century, provide to DLW
DLL2 David Lee Light, 1933.10.22, G13251203, *
DLM Darvin Lee Martin, 1971.1.10, C56430611, * and Regina
Sue Christman, 1971.11.23, G1402164221, * , also RCM and RSLC
DLS Daniel R. Lehman information
DLS2 Diana Lynne Shoalts, 1951, G32252611, *
DLW Daniel Lee Wenger, 1935.1.4, G141524412 private
records and independent research DanielWenger@worldnet.att.net
DMW “Directory of the Markham-Waterloo Mennonite Congregation”, 2006
DNL Descendants of Daniel N. and Magdalena K. Lehman,
Aug., 1983 from Lehmankirkwood@aol.com
DOP "Descendants of Pioneer Henry Hershey Weber 1793-1862 and Salome (Baer)
Bauman 1791-1868, etc", 1981 by Eldon D. Weber
DORAM Dora Messner, Mohnton, PA
DRJ Donald R Johnson DRJohnson37@worldnet.att.net from the
"Bernharat Mann Genealogy" by John Tomson
DRL "Mennonites of the Washington County, Maryland and Franklin County,
Pennsylvania Conference", Daniel R. Lehman, 1990
DRLP Private communication from Daniel Richard Lehman,
1951.3.13, C27189721 Daniel is the Daniel R. Lehman of DL, DLL and DRL
DRW Deborah (Debbie) Lee Rhodes, 1953.3.25, G113231763, *
DRW2 Daniel Raymond Wagner, 1967.2.17, G1312761252
DSH "Hutchins-Hutchens, Descendants of Stangeman Hutchins", 1979
compiled by Rita Hineman townsend
DSK Diane Thwaite Solenberger, 1959.5.5, G1413611631, *
DSL "The David S. Lehman Family History and Genealogy", 1997, Titus
Lynn Wadel, 1968.2.26, G1471732131, *
DSM "The Myers Family Here to Fore", 1979 by Della Strike Myers
DSR Donna Elizabeth Speer and David Earl Ristenbatt,
1949.1.19, G132421B332. Donna has her genealogy on the world wide web
DW Darryl Wayne Winger, 1968.6.5, G183587221 and PNM
DWB Darlene Wenger, 1939.7.20, G141148022
DWCM “Directory of Weaverland Conference Mennonites in
Wisconsin”, 2003
DWH Dorothy Anna Wenger, 1918.1.3, G13564531
DWM Diana Lee Wenger, 1946.8.27, G141187321
DWM2 Diane Wenger Monroe dmonroe@erinet.com
DW55 Dwayne Wrightsman, a careful Frantz researcher.
DY Darlene Yohe iroquois@redrose.net
DYM "The Life and Genealogy of David Y. Miller", 1989 by Gene Edwin
EA Elizabeth Schlung Alleman ESA2204@aol.com
EAB Edward Allen Barnhart, 1940.10.18, G183233811
EAH "The Ulrich Rinehart Family and Descendants, 1704 1985", 1986,
Elma A. Henning
EB Ed Barnhart BarnhartEd@aol.com
EB2 "Heritage History", 1992 by Everett Byer
EBE "My American Ancestors and Their Descendants", 1949, 1950
Edward Bowman Esbenshade
EBW Ethel Pauline Bomberger Wenger
Eby-Aebi database on rootsweb
and at http://bernethy-eby-scribner.com/
EE Erica Joy Echternach, 1974.3.30, G131BA5B22
EEE "History of the Eby Family", by Ezra E. Eby published in 1889,
republished in 1979
EEL Ellen E. Ludwig, Ephrata, PA private communication
EEM "Descendants of Christian Eby and Susannah McDonald", 1951, by
Effie Eugenia E. Minnich
EER Ezra Eby Revisited. Website by Allan Dettweiler.
EFD "Ancestors and Descendants of Jacob Brechbill Sollenberger and his wife
Frances Meyers Sollenberger", Evelyn Funk Dice, 1993 Jacob is Jacob
Brechbill Sollenberger, 1860.11.15 1945.3.16, G1231213 and Evelyn is Evelyn
Louise Funk, 1916.6.17, G14522852 Also JBS
EFH Edna Faye Wingerd, 1932.10.13, 0, G17421394 provided
the descendants of Simon Brechbill Wingerd, 1867.6.22 1941.4.11, G174213
EFH2 "Eberly Family History" 1974 by Paul C. Bennetch
EFH3 "David E. Eby-Leah Eby Family History", 1978
by Betty Lou Eby Robbins
EGP "Henry Warner (Werner) Originally of Bedford Co., Pa.", 1946,
by Mrs. Elgar Grant Pumphrey
EH2 Elinor Jeanne Hoover, 1926.4.11, G18804141
EHB Ezra Helman Benedict, 1943.12.10, G142823128
EHH "Family History and Genealogy of George B. Mc. Heberlig and Annie C.
Stover Heberlig", 1992, compiled by Frank Shuman Heberlig, 1926.10.17
and Mildred Catherine Morrow, 19265.10, G1889A234
EJ Erik Jensen erikjensen@home.com
EKW Erma K. Wenger (Erma L. Klick, 1929.8.23,, * º)
ELB "Esra & Lydia Burkholder, Family Record", 1996 by the
Violet and Ezra Martin
ELM "Family Record Abraham Martin and his Descendants", 1988
Compiled by Mrs. Noah V. Martin (Evelyn Lois Martin, 1918.9.20, C5614F31-) and
her family, Hagerstown, MD This is a record of the descendants of Abraham H. Martin,
1828.8.26 1907.4.13, C5614 -and his two wifes Susanna Burkholder, 1828.11.8
1851.11.17- and Barbara S. Wenger, 1829.1.30 1906.2.22, C2539- The book is
based upon the original research of John David Risser, 1882.12.4 1952.1.19,
C561484, Rev. Mrs. Martin was kind to loan her copy of the book to DLW
ELP "Descendants of Michael Peters", 1993 by Edward L. Peters
ELW "Mother's Whirring-Wheel Rug", A Lady Family Genealogy, Eunice
Lady Wingert
ELW2 Eugene Lesher Wenger, 1927.6.4, G188A5131
ELW3 "Holdeman Descendants",
Christian Holdeman 1788-1846 by Edwin L. Weaver, 1937
EME2 Esther Mae Ebersole, 1923.11.6, G13576333, 0
EMH "Emanuel Martin History 1691 - 1984", 1984 by Naomi Heckman
EML "Five Frantz Families who lived in the Miami Valley", Elizabeth
Miller Lane, 1988
EMMH "Descendants of Elisha M. Martin and Mary R. Heller", 1998,
Titus W. Martin
EMP Elizabeth Irene Maurer, 1927.11.21, G141203124
EMZ "Zimmerman's Family History 1720-1988 A Branch of the Zimmerman
Offspring of Glause Zimmerman in Europe and his children who came from Europe",
1988 compiled by Ezra and Maria Zimmerman
EP Edith Perry
ER Elaine Byer Reed, 1944, x2413, *
ERL Earl Richard Myers, 1940.7.9, G174251271
ERP1 "Emigrants, Refugees and Prisoners, Vol I", 1995 by Richard
Warren Davis
ERP2 "Emigrants, Refugees and Prisoners, Vol II", 1997 by Richard
Warren Davis
ERP3 "Emigrants, Refugees and Prisoners, Vol III", 1999 by Richard
Warren Davis
ES Ellen Strasma Ellen.Strasma@walgreens.com
FSLR FredShriner and Lucille Reese information.
EV "Evangelical Visitor", bimonthly publication of the Brethren in
Christ Church
EW Ezra Wenger, 1895.4.26 1978.6.1, G140820, 0 and his wife
Ruth provided the descendants of his parents Edward, 1854.8.28 1943.6.4,
G14082, Elder and Emma , 1859.1.11 1932.10.30, G141874. Martha Mabel Wenger, 1921.10.31,
G1408291 sent the document to DLW. "A Genealogy of Edward Meyer Wenger and his wife
Emma Meyer Wenger".
EWM "Family History and Descendants of Joseph W. Martin and Elizabeth W.
Nolt 1872 1999", 2000, Timothy D. Martin
EWS R. Evelyn West, 1913.12.13
EWV “Echoes From the Weaverland Valley, Ancestry and Descendants of Benjamin B. Weaver”, 1997, Lamar W.
EZH "Family Record of Edwin Z. Hoover and Ella O. Weaver, 1891 2007",
2007, Naomi F. Hoover
FDB Fretz web site at
www.multiboard.com/~bhurdle/fretz/fretz2.html by Brian Lloyd Hurdle, 1954.8.17,
G175326521, *
FDCO "Families of Darke County, Ohio", 1994, by Darke County
Genealogical Society, Greenville, Ohio
FF Funck?Fokken gedcom via Mary Ann Fokken
FFF "Flory Flora Fleury Family", 1948 by W. Q. Bunderman
FGS Fritz George Schnepf, 1931.5.8, G18406111 and Linda
Annette Hinkle, 1934.5.6,, º
FHC "Family History of Samuel & Lydia Crouse", 1992 Richard
Crouse, Judith Ziegler, Kean Dubble
FKP "Kings Family Tree", 1981 by Frances King Rapp of Covington,
FLH Faye Louise Hawbaker, 1949.11.24, G123351226
FLS Faye Louise Simpson, 1942.6.20, G1413C2471, *
FM Floyd Mason masonf3150@rica.net
FMS "Some Snoke Familes, A Collection of Snoke Memorabilia Consisting of
Family Histories, Biographies, Letters, Genealogy and Trivia", based
upon the original work of Martin Van Buren Snoke, compiled by Frank McElwain
Snoke, June 1979
FMS2 "Supplement to Some Snoke Families", compiled by Harry William
Snoke, 1910.12.25, G14731555, * in 1984
FRC Ferne Ruth Climenhaga, 1934.4.21, G3314196
FRMAH “Family Record of Moses and Anna Horning”, 2006
James J. Martin and Erla Mae Horning
FS Freddie Spradlin
FS2 Floyd Sollenberger, 1927~, G123122822, *
FTM Refers either to a particular Family Tree Maker family
history file. or the Social Security Death Index, 1937-1995 For example,
FTM2346 refers to the FTM file #2346. FTM alone refers to the death index
FW Felicia Grace Kinzie, 1924.8.26, G1820721, *
FWH "Descendants of Frank W. Hurst, 1863-2000", 2002
FZ Dr. Fred Zimmerman, Fot Myers, FL
GB Gordon Haggott Beckhart, 1923, G145132411
GBS "The Bucher Family", 1997, Glayds Bucher Sowers
GBZ “Descendants of George B. Zeiset 1828-1983”, Emma B. Zeiset
GC "Shaking the Cordell Family Tree", 1977 by Glenn Robert
Cordell, 1941.11.29, G181921631
GC2 "A Historical Sketch of the Brethren in Christ Church, Known as Tunkers
in Canada", by George Cober, Gromley, Ontario (viewable on the web at
http://www.easynet.on.ca/~johnb/tunkers/index.html thanks to Dana Brillinger)
GCMC “Directory of the Groffdale Conference
Mennonite Churchs”, 2007
GCW Gerald Cleon Wagoner, 1932.7.31, G131255244
GDN Glatha D. Neff DCSP44A@prodigy.com
GES "History of the Swope Family and their connections", 1896,
Gilbert Ernest Swope
GESH Gale Edwin Spitler Honeyman, 1938.7.8, G1411346311, 0.
Gale 's contributions to this project were great.. His research on the family
of John Weaver Wenger, 1778.4.11 1851.5.12, G1411, Rev. was extensive and
detailed. His vast library and memory and his enthusiastic support are greatly
GF Garst family files
GFD "Garber Family Directory, January 2000" family of Raymond &
Ruth Garber
GGF "The Goettel-Gettle Family - 2000 " Jeremy R. Lutz
GGG “The Gayman/Gehman/Gahman Family”, 2003 compiled by Richard L.
Miller 2003, Masthof Press
GH "The Garber Historical and Genealogical Record", 1964, by Clark
M. Garber
GH2 Gary Hopkins ghopkins@fortwayne.infi.net
GH4 "The Garber Historical and Genealogical Record" Vol. III 1964
by Clarke M. Barber
GHK "The George H. Keener Family", 1984 by Mary Louise Diller
GHL George H. Liebgott, "Morris Cove Descendants". Found in
Martinsburg, Pa. public library
GIC Gladys Irene Cool
GJW Gwendolyn Joyce Wenger, 1934.2.9, G188125A2S prepared
a family history that was passed to SEW and on to DLW. Due to the fact that the
title page had NWN as the source, information from that history is labeled NWN.
Apologies to Gwendolyn. That history provided information on the descendants of
John Myers Wenger, 1857 1930, G188125 and Fannie Sollenberger, 1856.8.20
1940.6.26, G147152
GK Gail Keller freyfamily@paonline.com
GKC "A Genealogical Record of the Crider-Kreider Family" from
information collected by A. Lincoln Crider, 1864 1925- and further elaboration
by his niece Miss Nellie Catherine Brake, Chambersburg, Pa. Compiled by Amos
Kreider Stauffer, Lancaster, Pa. July 4, 1934
GLB Georg Ludwig Braun GBraun5377@aol.com
GLC Guy L. Clippinger of Dallastown, Pa.
GLG Garold (Gary) Lynn Garber, 1948.5.30, G1312724241
GM Garry Cleveland Myers, 1945.4.22,
GME Grace Marie Wagner, 1929.4.3, C3752441
GM2 Grant Lincoln Miller, 1949 max@cftnet.com
GMW Weybright book
GMWZ “Galiziens Mennoniten im Wandel der Zeiten, 1984,
Arnold Bachmann
GNDX www.gendex.com/gendex
GNL "The Pennsylvania LeFevres", compiled by George Newton LeFevre,
GR Gerald Rhoades GeraldWR@aol.com
GRHS "A Genealogical Record of the Descendants of Henry Stauffer and other
Stauffer Pioneers" 1899 by Rev. A. J. Fretz
GRJ Glen Ralph Jordan, 1920.1.23, G18125F54
GP Gary Price priceg@le-win.net
GSY Virgina (Ginny) Kaye Swarr, 1963.3.30, C3824A441
GWM George William Marshall, 1923.12.8, G145113315, *
GWW Gary Wayne White wytman@cox.net
HAB Howard A. Book, 1913.1.15, G1374437
HAP "Houpt and Provard and other Related Families" by James and
Mary Ellen Houpt and James and Jean Houpt
HB Hazel Marie Gehr, 1928.11.18, G181212131, typed by Lorraine
S. Hatcher, 1936.5.8
HBW “Henry B. Weaver's Descendants”, 1981, Elizabeth Shirk
HD "Hawbaker Descendants From 1737 - 1978", 1978 by Eliphalet H.
Hawbaker and Goldie Hawbaker Clark
HD2 "The Doners in Canada, 1806-1974, Genealogical Record of the Descendants
of John Doner & Anna Brechbill", by Harold Doner
HDCW “History of the Descendants of Christian Wenger”, 1903, Jonas G.
Wenger, Martin D. Wenger, Joseph H. Wenger
HDZ "Zug/Zuck/Zouck/Zook Genealogy", Harry D. Zook, 1983 Lib.
Congress Cat. 83-81537
HDZP Harry D. Zook personal communications
HEF "History of the Engle Family", 1927 by Morris M .Engle
HES "Family of Harry E. Sauder, 1870-1969", 1970 by R. Clair Weaver
HESSG "Hess Genealogy - The Descendatns ofthe 1717 Imigrant", 2004 by
Hess researchers, Frank Hess, Sue Ruhl Hess and Joanne Hess Siegrist.
HES2 "A History of the Harry and Ada (Hoke) Steele Families 1600-1983, 1983"
by Harold E. Steele
HF "Hostetter Family", by Richard L. Hostetter and David J.
Bachman, 1984, the descendants of Jacob Hostetter, immigrant of 1712 and Oswald
Hostetter, immigrant of 1732.
HFG "The Heilman Family Genealogy", 1993 by Robert A. Heilman
HFH "Hershey Family History", 1929, compiled by Henry Hershey
HGPE "A History and Genealogy of Peter Eichenberg Family" 1955 by
Charles S. Ikenberry and W. Louise Eikenberry
HH "A History of the Decendants of Jacob and Maria Eva Harshbarger of
Switzerland", 1976 by The Harshbarger Association
HHB Henry Hess Baer, 1927.7.9, G1413112311
HHD "The Dohners and The Doners of America" by H. H. Dohner, 1900
HHF "A History of the Hock/Hoke Family, 1405-1990", 1990 by Jesse
W. Hoover
HHH "Haller-Hollar-Holler Genealogy", 1981 by Amelia Cleland
HHI Homer H. Irwin of Elmurst, IL prepared a manuscript "Ancestors and
Descendants of James T. Wingard", 1967. James Thomas Wingard,
1852.10.27 1916.9.10, G181159-
HJG “History of a John Graybill Family in America 1754 1976”, Spencer L.
Kraybill and Noah L. Zimmerman
HJHF "History of the John High Family of Lancaster County Pennsylvania",
1996 by Levi High
HJW Hilda Virginia Jenkins, 1934.11.10,, º
HKS Harold Keith Sider, 1926.8.12, G3225A41
HL Harry Orville Learn, 1942.12.24, G3104D24
HLC "History of Little Cove, Franklin County Pennsylvania", 1967 by
Harry E. Foreman
HM Helen Maiman hmaiman@prodigy.net
HMB Helen May Brechbill, 1931.5.31, G1411A351
HMH "The Huber-Hoover Family History", 1928 by Harry M. Hoover,
reprinted in 1992 by Amos B. Hoover
HNE "A Death Record Book From Lancaster County, PA 1858-1918" by
Henry N. Eby, published in PMH Jan., March and April 2000
HRK "The Kurtz Family Sojourn, A Brief History and Genealogy of Pioneer
Abraham Kurtz and His Descendants", 1999 by Harold R. Kurtz
HRL Hugh R. Lehman
HS "Shirk-Sherk, Family History and Genealogy", Hal Shirk
HSF "History of the Shuey Family in America, 1732-1919", D. B.
Shuey, 1919
HSRS "Two Hundred Years with the Siders", Harold Keith Sider,
1926.8.12, G3225A41 & Ron Sider, 1986 A major book on the descendants of
Maria Wenger, G32 covering many of the Canadian Wingers.
HTW "Memories & Descendants Michael W. Martin 1878 1948", 2005,
Anna Martin Shirk and Lois Shirk Johnson
HUZ "A History of the United Zion Church, 1853-1980", 1981 by an
editorial staff
HW Heidi White Mari383072@aol.com
HWD Hans Wenger GED found at www.paonline.com/schfam
IBS Ira Burkholder Sollenberger, 1932.3.25, G14737217
IBW "The Ancestors and Descendants of Isaac B. Weaver & Barbara H. Nolt
1869 - 2002" 2002 by Luke H. Weaver & David M. Weaver
IEO I. E. Oberholtzer, Rev., via Shirley E. Kantner and
Barbara B. Ford
IDL See IDL4 (Ira David Landis, 1899.1.12 1977.2.27,
G13143113, Bishop)
IDL1 "The Landis Family Book", 1950, Ira D. Landis, Section I
IDL2 "The Landis Family Book", 1950, Ira D. Landis, Section II
IDL3 "The Landis Family Book", 1953, Ira D. Landis, Section III
IDL4 "The Landis Family Book", 1954, Ira D. Landis, Section IV
IHN “Deacon Isaac Hoover Nolt and Lydia Weaver Burkholder Their Ancestors and
Descendants 1872-2006”
IJB Ira J. Buckwalter, information provided at the 1990
Buckwalter family reunion
IWBN "Ancestors and Descendants of Isaac Weaver and
Barbara Nolt", by Luke and David Weaver, 2002
IWM "Family Record Isaac W. Martin and Michael W. Martin. Vol IV of the
Family Record Abraham Marin and His Descendants", 2002, Glenn Eby
JAB John Allen Brubaker,
1960.11.15 johnbrubaker@gmail.com
JAJ Judith Ann Jordan, 1943.12.29, G18125F551
JAR Judy Ann Russell, a Riegel researcher
JAW John Acker Wenger, 1868.2.18 1954.9.28, G1132123
JAW2 Jeffrey Allen Wilkinson, 1965.4.10, G1813441911
JB Jonathan Hall Backenstose, 1962.12.10, G135282233
JBAK "Descendants of John Bachman and Anna Kreider", found in LCHS
JBD Jesse Beam Denlinger, 1950.11.1 denling@bellsouth.net
JBF "Joel and Nannie Sink Booth Family"
JBW John Brechbill Wenger, 1885.7.2 1961.5.31, G1881343
recorded all inscriptions on stones in the Burkholder Cem., the Church Cem.,
the Siloam Cem and many other small cemeteries . These recordings allowed many
relationships to be established. The recordings were done between 1959 and 1961
JCH James C. Hostetler database on SAGA-OMII
JCL James Clark Landis, 1961.4.16, G1317322233 provided
information on the descendants of Barbara W. Funck, 1760.7.9 1849.3.12, G131
JCL Much information supplied by Raymond Clyde Lantz,
1951.11.20, G144262451 on the Detwiler family was mislabled JCL instead
of RCL. Detwiler information labeled JCL came from Raymond Clyde Lantz,
1951.11.20, G144262451
JCN Jewell Calvin Niswander
JCS James Calvin Strickler, 1948.12.11, G188134211
JDF "The John Denlinger Family Tree, 1809 - 1958", 1958, by Elsie
Denlinger McNelly, (Elsie Anna Denlinger, 1896.11.1, G13127271) Arcanum, Ohio,
a history of the John Neff Denlinger, 1809.6.14 1885.6.6, G13127 and Sarah
Miller, 1813.1.18 1876.4.30 family
JDG "Detwiler Genealogy", by D. Frank Bayer, 1989, New Enterprise,
Pa. giving descendants of Jacob Detwiler, 1733 1804,, (i1754.9.29) who mostly
located in Morrison Cove, Bedford and Blair Counties, Pa. Three of Jacob's
children married Hans Wenger descendants.
JDW Janice Doreen Wenger, 1966.1.2, G1771A2126
JDZ John David Zimmerman, 1963.10.28, G1314244921, *
JEB "Barnhart Family Record, The Family of Daniel Barnhart, c1765 1802 and
Elizabeth Naff, c1767 1805", 1925 by Josephus Edward Barnhart, 1862
1937 reprinted by Carolyn Teach Denlinger (Carolyn Sue Denlinger, 1951.6.2
1995.6.10, G131273865)
JEE John Edward Engle, 1939.2.18, G13584761
JEF "The Men From Wengen and America's Agony, The Wenger-Winger-Wanger
History including Christian Wenger, 1718", by John E. Fetzer, 1971
JEH "Family Record of Martin R. and Sus L. Eby Hershey", 1990 by J.
Eby Hershey
JEM Joseph Eugene Miller, 1950.7.2, G1317221534, *
Norristown, Pa.
JEP John Edward Peiffer, 1940.7.2, G181313541
JES John Edward Starr, 1939.7.12, G18251F11
jedwardstarr@sprintmail.com, jedwardstarr@aol.com
JF Jill Fyffe jillfyffe@home.net
JFM John F. Murray, Kouts, Ind.
JRF "Der Lutz Freundeshaft", 2000 Jeremy R. Lutz
JG "Jacob Grove and Elizabeth Lesher Family" by Samuel Grove
Sollenberger and Grace Hege, 1973. Samuel Grove Sollenberger, 1901.8.2
1986.11.30, G1413B48
JG2 Joe Garst garstjoe@aol.com
JG3 Jacquelyn (Jackie) Louise Grove, 1958.11.4,
G181349502, * jackiegrove@yahoo.com
JG4 Joanne (Gatten) Shenck, 1938.8.5, G181349411
JGF J. G. Francis, Rev., "History and Genealogy of Early Pioneer
Families of Lebanon County, Pennsylvania". 1990. This is a major
history of the Light family of Lebanon, Pa. and provided many descendants of
Judith Wenger, G13-
JGFK "History of Kreider Family from the Pen of Rev. J. G. Francis, Scholarly
Discourse on one of the oldest and most prominent clans in county",
published serially in the Lebanon Daily News, Lebanon, Pa. beginning on May 22,
1919. J. Lee Kreider of Dayton, Ohio transcribed the articles and produced a
very nice representation of them.
JGK Joseph Graybill Kinzie, 1923.10.22, G18204323
JGS Jeffery G. Schism
JH James Houpt, private records. Mr. Houpt supplied to DLW
about the Hawbaker ancestors and provided some recent additions to the G145
descendants. Much of the labeled JH is also found in HB.
JH2 Joseph Hoover Fafaragas@aol.com
JH3a Jan Hall halltall@aol.com
JH3 Janet Kay Schrock, 1939.10.22, C28A36xx
JHB John Howard Bricker, 1932.3.5, G1453527A
JHF "John Horst Family", 1940 by Hettie K. (Horst) Hess and Lydia
Ruth Hess
JHH "Family Record of John Henry Hostetter Ancestors and Descendants",
Anna Hege, 1995
JHJP James Eugene Hiatt, 1931.6.25, G14118762
JHL John Larkins jhlarkins@msn.com
JHS James Herman Shuman, 1939.3.4, G1411432141
JHS2 Joanne Hess Siegrist, beechdale@dejazzd.com
JJ Jann Johnson russj@sos.net
JJW "Jacob J. and Catharine (Blough) Wingard", 1991 by Mary P.
JK Jacqueline Sue Steck, 1967.10.11, G1895733221, *
JKH Joanne Hoover (.Joanne Mae Koehler, 1928.7.29,
JKH2 Justin Kirk Houser at jkhouser84@adelphia.net
JKS James Kenneth Snyder, 1951.5.5, G18611116121, *
provided his family information SKINNYDIPPER1@cs.com
JL Joyce Lemke joylmk@direclynx.net
JL2 John Light jblight@redshift.com
JLC "Roots of the Jacob L. Charles Family", 1885 by Harold Sider
and Ardys Charles
JLM Landis genealogies by Jane Landis-Marin, Leola, Pa.
JLR Jay Lester Ranck, 1946.1.13, G1314254611, Rev. *
published his ancestry in the "Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage", Vol.
XIX, No. 4, Oct. 1996
JLS James Lester Strite, 1951.10.18, G147179121
JLW Jay Leon Wenger, 1937.2.12, G14120031
JM John Morris (Glowanda Rhodes) chow0@flash.net
JMB "Descendants of John and Anna Myers Brubaker, 1750-1995", 1996
by Marwin E. Brubaker and Margaret Brubaker Ellis
JMB2 ?
JMD James Marlan Denlinger, 1929.8.16, G131255615
JME "David Reiff Family", 1992 by Jonas Elbert Eby, 1928.3.19,
G14737281, Deacon and Pearl Marie Showalter, 1930.10.3, C7516512
JMEP Pearl Marie Showalter, C7516512
JMG Jay Michael Gospe, 1938.10.7, G14546142, M.D.
JMM "Family Record of Jacob M. Martin and his Descendants" complied
1947 by Adam R. Martin and Kenneth E. Martin
JMR Joanne Marie Rice, 1953.11.19, G145103252
JMS John M. Strickler, 1922.8.4,, º
JMS2 June Marie Shenk Yohn wjyohn@gateway.net
JMW John Mark Wingerd, 1927.5.27, G18162162, *
JO "My Climenhaga Search", Joan Oppertshauser, April 1994
Mennonite Familiy History (Orpha Joan Heitman, 1938.10.27, G322D338, *)
JOP Joan Oppertshauser (Orpha Joan Heitman, 1938.10.27,
G322D338, *)
JP Jacob Peffley family gedcom received Jeff Scism
JPK Jonathan Pearse Kreider, 1968.2.27, G135747112, *
JPW "Jacob P. Wingard and Elizabeth Yoder, 1854 to 1996", Alice E.
(Schrock) Stewart, 1996. This book covers the K immigrant
JRH Jeffrey Robert Hapeman and Carolyn Renee Groff,
1971.8.5, G137A254x2, *
JRW "John Rudoph Waymire and the First Three Generations of his Descendants",
1925 William M. Reser, MD
JS Joan Hapeman, 1931.9.21, G32714231. jsomers@ix.netcom.com
JS2 "Jost Schwab" volume 2
JS3 Jennifer Lisa Smith, 1964.10.28, G310117214, *
JS4 Jim Scofield scofield@ccnet.com
JSC Jack Spencer Clopper, 1933.6.4, G142833151
JSF "John Shank (Schenck) Family 1750-1979", 1979 by Amos Shank,
Leonard Shank, Anna (Shank) Mowen and Jacob Grove
JSH Jeffrey (Jeff) Lee Holzfaster, 1958.2.28, G1411346371
JSH2 James Stauffer Herr, 1924.8.6, G13192372
JSM "The Meyers Family, John S. Meyers Descendants from 1818 to 1979",
Ben Burroughs, published 1979. This book provided many of the Meyers members of
the Wenger family
JSR Joanne Rae Smith, 1930~, G141150221
JSS “Family History of Jacob S. Shirk and Anna Weber Shirk, 1829-2009”,
2009, Alice Shirk
JT Jan Tompkins KTompk7744@aol.com
JVW Jay Vernon Wenger, 1944.6.13, G131847B6 Jay is
president of the Wenger Family Association and has been a major supporter of
the preparation of the descendants of Hans and Hannah Wenger. Jay was greatly
involved in the preparation of the index of "The Wenger Book". He descends from
Christian Wenger, C five different ways
JW James Allan Winger, G183267121
JW2 Jim Weygandt <weygandt@erols
JW3 John R. Winger, 1954~, G184A3321, *
JW4 Judith (Judy) Ann Keener, 1939.8.26, C54225732
JW5 Joan Wendling wendling@telusplanet.net
JWH "The Descendants of Peter and Barbara Buckwalter Hershey",
1990, compiled by John Willis Hershey, 1946.11.2, G131425C55
JWJ Jennifer Wescoatt Jensen jengen@inconnect.com
JWW John Wildy Waymire, 1873, G1411553. Wildy Waymire
prepared a family history showing descendants of John Weaver Wenger of
Montgomery Co. Ohio. The history was very helpful and very interesting. A small
comment to the effect that three Sollenberger brothers married three Wenger
sisters helped to understand several relationships that had not been understood
before. An excellent example of how a small note can help to unravel a family history.
JY Jerry Yohe jlyohey@concentric.net
JY2 Joan Young JYoung6180@aol.com
JYL Jane Lahey JLahey1134@aol.com
JZG unidentified source
KA Kerrie Alexander kat@keira.htokey.net.au
KAB Kenneth A. Beard. kabeard@juno.com
KAN "The Early Sollenbergers of America", Keith A. Nonemaker,
Mennonite Family History, April 1989
KAN1 "Early Descendants of John Sollenberger of Cumberland Co. Pa.",
Keith A. Nonemaker, Mennonite Family History, Oct. 1983
KAP Kathleen Anne Mexin, 1951.1.18, G184183532
KAW Karla Ann Wingert, 1939.4.29, G18896252
KC "A Genealogy and History of the Kauffman-Coffman Families",
1940 by Charles Fahs Kauffman
KCR Kenneth Harold Rasmussen, 1924.5.16 and Carol Jeanne
Wright, 1930.2.12, G181221122
KD Karen Donoghue DeMoss KKD1224@aol.com
KEA Kerrie Edwards, 1950~,, ^ kerriea@hotkey.net.au
KEC Kenneth Edward Cullen, 1957, G31017134, *
KEM Karl E. Moyer kmoyer@marauder
KEW Katherine Eileen Winger, 1915.9.26, G17214A42
KFH "Kready Family History"
KFT "The Kinzie Family Tree 1738-1961" 1960-61 by Lora E. Karn and
KGM Kathryn G. Mason from her "Grisso Family
KH unknown Miller informant
KK "A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans", 1919, William E.
KLP Karen Lynn Detwiler, 1946.11.18, G186110011, *
KM Keith McDonald, 1957.71, G131A3D532, * (much of this
information may also be found in IDL4)
KM2 Kenneth Metz kendee@horizon.hit.net
KM3 Katherine Melton kmelton@henderson.net
KM4 Ken Meyers kenlmeyers@hotmail.com
KNS Karen Nan Sollenberger, 1951.7.4, G147125522, *
KP Kathleen Anne Mexin, 1951.1.18, G184183532 (See KAP)
KP Kathleen (Kathy) Winona Rarick,
1927.5.20, CA141913 (Harshbarger information)
KPB Karen Y. Poirier-Brode kpoirier@ix.netcom.com
KPS "Genealogy and Family History- Sprankle, Peiffer and Sleighter Lines"
by Karen Peiffer Smyth (Karen Susan Peiffer, 1958.7.19, G181213891)
KSM Kathleen Suzanna Win Mabry, 1942.8.30, G18125D541, *
KSS "Genealogical Memoranda, Stouffer 1579-1943" by Kate S. Snively
giving descendants of Jacob Stouffer, 1773 1843
KZ Ken Zook ken_zook@SIL.ORG
LAB Lori Ann Batz, 1970.1.8,
G1405121422 family information
LAD Lois Arline Deter, 1936.7.30, G12352882, 0 of
Sterling, IL. provided information on the Deter family
LAG Louise Ann Gingrich, 1950.4.6, G1323646341
LanCHS Lancaster County, PA Historical Society
LB Lucille Marie Boone, 1950.2.25, G188122431
LBN "A Genealogy of American Nyes of German Origin", L. Bert Nye,
Jr. 1984 Lib. Congress Cat. 84-61347
LBW "The Descendants of John Dayhoff Wingert and Frances Shank Wingert",
by Levi Brechbill Wingert, 1976
LC Linda Jean Miller, 1949.10.31, G172154511 timlin@yesic.com
LCDF "The Lebanon County Daub Family" located in LCHS
LCHS Lebanon County Historical Society, Lebanon, PA
LCS Lois Cornelia Shank, 1926.12.15, G14283133, 0
LCW Larry Carl Wenger, 1952.12.19, G141861012
LD Lynn Caywood Detwiler, 1952.4.6, G144722111
LDN L. Delmar Neff, 1948.6.15, G1314414223
LDS Latter Day Saints, a reference to the large collection
of genealogical data maintained by the Morman Church
LEM Leon Eugene Meyers, 1960.6.3, G1453A4411
LFE Lorraine Frantz Edwards, Lancaster, Calif.
LG Linda Grove klgrove@netusa1.net
LGF "Ancestors & Descendants of Reuben Showalter", 1980, by
Lloyd G. Ferrell , ( in 1994) 17360 S.W.Glen Drive, Beaverton, OR 97007
LGW Louise Georgina Winger, 1931.8.4, G17543361
LH Leona Marie (Weida/Kores) Heston, 1928.8.6, G14245161
LH2 Laurell Hodges mhodges@mail.fwi.com
LHB Lowell Harvey Beachler
LHD Louis Harmol Dailey, 1942.5.21, G183291551
LJ Laurie Jenkins mommaj62@hotmail.com
LJCM Hans Neff information from LJCM7@ao.com
LKS Louise Fern Keefer, 1924.11.5, G123331122
LLM Lois Marlene Lesher, 1938.6.6, G14719453 (Lois L.
LMB "The Genealogy Beginning with Daniel Myers" by Mrs. Lela Myers
Bert, Newburg, Pa. 1822 1962
LMC Linda Minor Coleman lcoleman@netset.com
LMHS Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society, Lancaster, PA
LML Lola Mareta Lehman, 1941.2.18, G137A22111, 0
LMM Linda Miller, 1950~, G181135511
LMS Lorine McGinnis Schulze lschulze@bconnex.net
LMS2 Mrs. Luke M. Sensenig, Palmyra, PA (Thelma A. Lehman)
LMW Lester Wadel
LN Linda Nelson nelsons@ntl.sympatico.ca
LPW Lyman Purser Winger, 1935.5.3, G18310655
LRG Lake and Reynolds Genealogy www.reynolds-lake.ca
LRH "John Lesher Family" 1939 by Lydia Ruth Hess
LRS "1732-Sherk-Shirk Freundschaft-1982" by Lyle Ronald Sherk 1982.
This publication provided much about the descendants of Abraham Wenger,
G1415-and Mary Wenger, G1413-
LSB Leon Sollenberger Burkholder, 1952.12.12, G147193413
LSM Linda Kay Stephens McDaniel
LTB "A Pedigree of the Siegrist's" 1972 by L. T. Brechbill
LW Larry Wells, 1957.6.16, G141205612 Visalia2@aol.com
LWS "Winger Family Record, Some Descendants of Martin and Elizabeth Frantz
Winger of Grant County, Indiana", by Lawrence W. Shultz, 1890.10.24
1982.5.22,, Rev.
MAB Michael A. Barnhart
MAE Malcolm Aden Eby, 1940.8.13, G31012312, Rev. meby@simcom.on.ca
MAF Mary Ann McClarnon, 1943.2.5, G181255543, * has helped
to provide the research for this book and in particular has supplied on
descendants of Martin Wenger, G18-and many other Wenger descendants and has
resolved a number of questions regarding conflicting data. Her critic of this
history has been extremely helpful. A collaboration with her cousin Deloris
June Hammermeister, 1932.6.2, G18115F94 on a five year search for the
descendants of Jacob Wingard and Susanna Zook has produced over 2900
individuals. Her contributions to this history have been very important and her
encouraging support to DLW is greatly appreciated. Maryann661@aol.com
MAH Michael Alan Hengst, 1958.9.26, G188C33611
MAH2 Mary Ann Hagen maryann@golden.net rootsweb.com
MAJ Melissa Ann Jury, 1976.10.27, G174213D421 information
BrandonLPedigo@worldnet.att.net See also MP2
MAL "Martin A. Lahman Family History", 1996 by Mildred Brunk Kraus
and Harry L. Kraus
MAM Database originally created by Mary Ann Hagen. Updated
and corrected by Scott Bushlen http://www.mam-db.com/index.php
MAS Michale A. Smoke
MAW Mark A. Wenger, C3824C531 falcon@net-link.net
MB Mildred Brett Bryan. Estherville, Iowa
MBF "Brechbill-Brightbill-Brackbill Family" by Martha Brightbill
Fulk, found at the Hummelstown Area Historical Society
MBK "Ancestry and Descendants of Joseph Blocher and Elizabeth Roberts",
1997, Marjorie Blocher Kinsey, C.G.
MCA From the archives of Messiah College, Grantham, Pa.
MCPN The Neff Family by Mark and Cynthia Powell, Needmore,
MCPW The Weaver Family by Mark and Cynthia Powell,
Needmore, PA
MDB The Martin (dlmartin) database on Ancestry.com,
developed by Darvin Lee Martin, 1971.1.10, C56430611, * and Regina Sue
Christman, 1971.11.23, G1402164221, *
MDB Thelma L. Martin database on the SAGA-OMII site. ThelmaLM@frontier.com
MDH "The Descendants of Jacob Hostetter of Franklin County, Pennsylvania",
Vol. I, Morris D. Hostetter, 1989, LCCN 89-85324
MDW Miriam D. Wenger, 1932.8.22, C7207283 (Heisey)
MDW2 Michael David Watkins, G18125D5711, *
MEL Mary Ellen Eby, 1936.5.22, G131912411
MEM Mary Elizabeth Myers, 1942.10.1, G1451411231
MFF "The Genealogy of the Matthias Frantz Family of Berks Co. Pennsylvania"
by E. Harold Frantz, Reuben Frantz King and Laura Frantz Pfautz, 1972
MFH "Mennonite Family History"
MFH2 Meyer Family History publications
MFR "Emanuel & Lizzie Martin Family Record 1879 2006", Marlin
E. Sensenig
MFT "The Morrow Family Tree", 1989, compiled by Mildred Catherine
Morrow, 1926.5.10, G1889A234
MGG "Puterbaugh History" by Marie G. Good found in the
Chambersburg, Pa. Public library
MGZ Miriam Grace Zook provided on the descendants of Jacob
Martin Zook, 1875.3.23, G13655A, Upland California. Miriam Grace Frey,
MH "Myers History, Some Descendants of Hans Meier of Pequea, Lancaster Co.
Pa.", 1987, by Dorothy M. K. Adams
MH2 “Moses Hedrick, 1801-1862, His Descendants,
1826-2011”, Hedrick-Shepherd Reunion Group 2011
MHB "The Martin H. Bauman Family History" by Roy G. & Salome
Bauman / LDS FHL US/CAN Film 1320912 Item 7
MHE "Family Record of Michael H. Eshleman and his Descendants",
1983 by Carolyn Sue Eshleman and Wanda Kay Strite
MHM "The Ancestors and Descendants of Martin H. and Lydia Martin 1846-1990",
by Leonard E. Sensenig (revised)
MHT "Descendants of Jacob Flory and Fracnes Peffly of Montgomery Co. Ohio"
1991, compiled by Megill/Hawk/Troop based
MIK "Margaret Wenger Snell, A brief history of her Ancestors and Descendants",
Melva Irene Kirkpatrick Koepele
MJM Myrna Jean Wingert, 1929.9.29, G14312111
MK Martha Knaggs knaggs@connect.net
MKM Merikay Mestad mmestad@ncn.net
MKR Marcia Kyle, 1941, G184112521 fmkr@swbell.net
MKW Meta Karen Wingard, 1941.7.21, G181159311
MLB Michael Kevin Book and Lisa Lisa Marie Lawyer
MLFH "The Michael Lesher Family History", 1979 by Amos L. Brechbill,
1902.12.21 1990.2.10, G12323313 and Alvin Henry Brechbill, 1906.3.26, G12323315
MLH "The Heisey Family in America", M. Luther Heisey, 1941
MLM Mary Elaine Law Miller marylaw@erols.com based on
research of Marian Bonwell
MLMF "Martin & Lydia Martin Family Record 1846-2007",
2007, Glen & Mary Beth Martin
MLN Margaret Lucille Nauman, 1953.4.26, G113226135
MLW "Wenger Memoirs and Autobiography of Martin Light Wenger -and his wife
Christina Studebaker", by Christian M. Wenger,G141273 Press of C. B.
Hubbard, South Bend, Ind. 1898. This source covers Martin Wenger, 1780.12.23
1860.8.23, G1412and his wife Maria Elizabeth Light, 1784.5.20 1823.10.13,
G1312-and is based on the researches of Martin L. Wenger, G14127
MMA Margaret Marie Alexander, 1924
MMF Michele Anne Mosser, 1966.5.7, G222712211, *
MMFH Michael Meyers Family History, Lebanon County
Historical Society
MMH “Daniel W. Martin Family History, 1691-2013”, Marvin
Martin Habegger, 2013
MMS “Martin M. Sauder Family History 1766-1972”, Marian E. Lichty
MMU Marilyn Mae Menzies, 1926, G188122221
MNL "Layman/Leaman/Lemon", 1983-84 by Mary Nash Layman Woodmansee,
Doylestown, PA (found in the Roanoke Library, Virginia room)
MODB Mohler database at
MOR Michael O. Reck moreck@juno.com
MP Mary Pangle. Mary provided to DLW from various books
including the Brumbaugh and Royer book and from her own research. Her kind
assisantance is greatly appreciated.
MP2 Melissa Ann Jury, 1976.10.27, G174213D421
brandonLpedigo@worldnet.att.net See also MAJ
MRS Marvin Roy Sauder, 1945.12.29, G137A2255
MRW Mark R. Wenger markw@mingus.music.com
MTM Mary Todd Morgan
MW Matt T. Wingerd WINGERDM@bcbsil.com
MTW "The Families of Menno S. Brubaker and Anna Laura Root", 1997,
Mildred T. Wilson
MTW2 Matthew Todd Wingerd, 1969.3.18, G174276821
MWE Marian Winifred Eppley, 1940.10.1, G32251522
MWH "Hoover Genealogy, 1763 1963", based on researches of Barbara
H. Burkholder and Anna Mary Burkholder. This work gives the descendants of
Martin Huber, 1799 1823, G1237 -and Annie Wenger, 1799.1.13 1862.8.8, G1453-
MWM Margaret Webb Megill (Margaret Webb, 1925.2.22,
G141133281x, *)
MWMC "Directory of the Markham-Waterloo Mennonite
Congregation", 2001
NB Norma J. Bruce nbruce@pop.service.ohio-state.edu
NBK "Kready Genealogy", 1976 by Norman B. Kready
ND Nathan Alan Davis, 1973.11.30, G140821821, *
NDB Neil de Boer deboern@home.com
NEB "The History of the Josiah E. Brubaker Family", by Naomi E.
NFB "History
and Genealogy of Grace Esther Grove and Lawrence Martin Frey",
July 2007 Nancy Frey Brown, dlbbrown@frontiernet.net
NFH "Nolt Family History 1771-1969", 2005, by
Enos N. Zimmerman
NJP Nancy J. Piper npiper@maxiis.com
NKH "The Descendants of James Allen Brickey and Priscilla Ann Gish",
1983 by Nancy Keith Hough. passed to DLW via CGV (Nancy Geraldine Cardell,
1946.7.25, G1822512351)
NLB "The Family of Israel Denlinger and Mary Denlinger Hyre of Dayton,
Montgomery Co. Ohio", 1965 by Nancy Landes Bauman, 1965 - Nancy Carol Landes,
1934.3.1, G1312552111
NLJ Nancy Catherine Leeg, 1936.11.10, G18221977
NLS Ned Lentz Solenberger, 1944.10.12, G1413612321 and
NN Neff Family Historical Society, P. O. Box 212, Princeton
Junction, NJ 08550-0212, William A. Neff & J. F. Murray
NNS Niagara Notes, May, 1994, provided by Joan Somers.
Notes from the bible of David Climenhaga, 1826.8.24 1913.8.5, G3314
NRB Nelson Roy Burkholder, 1953.10.30, G147192262 Nelson
prepared an update to BHB (to be published 2000).
NRF "Naff and Related Families" 1979 by John W. Boitnott
NSG Norma Shantz genealogy - http://www.njshantz.ca/complete/p226.htm#i11793
NT Norris Taylor nmt1@ix.netcom.com
NWN Norman Wenger Nauman, 1897.1.5 1985.5.15, G1132261 was
a major Wenger researcher. Much of the inspiration for this publication came
from his efforts. Much of the information in this book is due to his years of
research. His research records are stored at the Lancaster Mennonite Historical
Society outside of Lancaster, Pa.
NZ Norman Zook, M.D. provided family
NZW "The Noah Zook Wenger and Emma Catherine Myers Wenger Family Tree",
1989 by Mildred Morrow Heberlig
OD "Ohio Directory of The Old German Baptist Brethren, 1998"
OMII Information from the collection of genealogy databases
at the SAGA-OMII web site
OML "The Descendants ofd Isaac Long, 17xx 1837", by Omer M. Long
OOMC "Familes of the Old Order Mennonite Church in Ontario", Jan.
1998 by Edwin and Lydia Weber
OOMC2 "Familes of the Old Order Mennonite Church in Ontario", Jan.
1988 by Edwin W. Weber
OOMC3 "Familes of the Old Order Mennonite Church in Ontario", Jan.
2003 by Edwin W. Weber
OOMC4 "Familes of the Old Order Mennonite Church in
Ontario", Jan. 2008 by Edwin W. Weber
OORB "History of the Old Order River Brethren" 1972 by Laban T.
Brechbill, 1892.2.27 1974.2.4, G1452771, 0 (note: this also may mean that the
person is a member of the Old Order Riber Brethren)
PAH Phyllis Ann Hoover, 1946.8.24, G22271221 (Schaeffer)
RAP "Record of Appointment of Postmasters, 1832 1971", Federal
records microfilm
PA "Peter Angle 1754-1968", 1969 by Eula Ferguson Angle
PAB Polly Anna Brubaker, 1969.11.16, G1312716334
PB "A History and Genealogy of Peter Bert", Eldon F. Bert, Editor,
1987 LCCCN 87-050514
PB2 Patricia Bucher
PBP Asa Eli Bert, 1939.7.22, G1235112A3 and Grace Ellen
Raser, 1940.9.20,, º
PC Paul Cockrell Paul20436@prodigy.net
PEG "Peter Eichenberg Genealogy" see HGPE
PF Philip Fees pfees@rmi.net
PFH "Peiffer Family History", 1982 by Millie Peiffer
PG "Pennsylvania Genealogies Chiefly Scotch-Irish and German",
William Henry Egle
PGH "Holsinger Family History", 1959 by Paul G. Holsinger
PGF "The Peter Good 1530-1995 Family Book" by Dale & Verlene
PHD Pryse Henry Duerfeldt, 1935.2.2, G183231522, Dr.
PK Patricia Louise Ford, 1953.3.24, G175811241
PKM Pamela Keever Melton, G1411231xxx DRMELT@aol.com
PL Pat Lanane planane@seidata.com
PLA Paul L. Akers pbeakers@futura.net
PM2 Patricia Morano
PMH "Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage", various issues
PMH2 Paul Michael Hoze sunpaul@frontiernet.net
PMW "Noah B. Weaver Family History, Year 2000", by Paul M. Weaver
PNM "Places near the Mountain", by Helen R. Prillaman. Gish and
Nininger families in Va.
PNS "History of John G. Shirk, Ancestors and Descendants", 1979 by
Peter N. Shirk
PPA Pamela (Cramer) Paddock, 1947.5.29, G188B5421
PPP "The Peffley--Peffly--Pefley Families In America, and Allied Families",
1938, May M. Frost and Earl C. Frost
PR Paul Robertson PaulLDS@aol.com
PW Paul G. (Pete) Winger winger_p@popmail.firn.edu
PWG "History of the Wingert (Wenger) Family", Phyllis Wingert
Gandy, 1960
PZM Patti Joy Zimmerman, 1950~, G18321273xx, *
RADZ Ruth Arlene Dangler, 1936.1.13, G147151121
RAE "Eby Genealogy" 1975 by Richard A. Eby
RAG R. A. Gilmore RAGilmore@covad.net
RAH Ruth Elizabeth Aughinbaugh, 1923.1.12, G123331142 from
Ralph Hoover, 1912~, G12333131, 0 of Big Run, Pa.
RAL Robert A. Longbottom, shorttop2@aol.com
RAM "Moomaw Geneaology", Robert A. Moomaw, 1990
2475 Underwood #377 Houston, TX 77030
RB Robert Donald Bensing, 1952.6.28,, *
RB2 "History and Record of the Clan of Rudolph Bollinger from Switzerland",
Noa Bollinger
RBW Ronald Benjamin Wingerd, 1950.7.20, G181335733
RC Roger Ralph Cramer, 1943.8.22, G132516222 RogerCubs@aol.com
RCG Richard C. Gethmann gethmann@erols.com
RCL Raymond Clyde Lantz, 1951.11.20, G144262451 Raymond
supplied extensive information on the Detwiler line
RCM Regina Christman-Martin. Regina Sue Christman,
1971.11.23, G1402164221, * (some of which came from Ora Christman)
RCS Ralph and Cindy Siegrist crs@minn.net
RCW Richard R. & Carol Jean Weber weberc_r@clark.net
RCW1 Ray Clayton Wenger, 1950.11.9, G188136324
RDB Rita Darlene Richardson, 1932.11.24
RDD Richard D. Dice Dices4@aol.com
RDH Robert D. Harter bob.harter@unh.edu
rdharter@nh.ultranet.com rharter@bigfoot.com
RDW Roger Daniel Winger, 1896.2.16 1990.2.21, G1832655,
Rev. "Wenger
Clan Notes" These Notes are publications of The Wenger Family
Association, Lancaster Co. Pa. and were published in the 1950s. Much other came
from the records that Roger compiled over many years of research. DLW had
access to those records and spent five days with a copy machine in the garage
of Jay Wenger. Those records are now with the Lancaster Mennonite Historical
Society. The five day effort resulted in 30 lbs of copies that were then
studied over the following years. It was the publication of the "Wenger Clan Notes"
that first introduced DLW to the efforts of serious genealogists.
REB Robert E. Brady rebrady@eskimo.com
RED "The Denlinger Family", Ralph E. Denlinger, PMH Vol. III, No.
3, July 1980
REDP Ralph E. Denlinger communications
REG "Descendants of Jacob Good", 1987 by Rufus S. Good
REW Ralph Edgar McCulloh Winger, 1891.6.16 1981.1.24,
G184A38, Ph.D. 0
RF1 Ray Funck information
RFH "The Risser Family, Our Heritage", 1985 by Commitee
RFH2 "", 1982 Eli E. Reiff and Amos H. Reiff
RFHS Ranck Family Heritage
Society, Inc. Ranck.org
RFISH Robert W. Fish
RFM Rita Fern Myers, 1949.7.26, G1413632133, * information
RG Ron Graham ragraham@teleport.com
RH Rodney (Rod) Eugene Heberlig, 1958.5.14, G1889B1345
RHS "A Backward Glance" by R. Henry Samson
RHW "My Life and Times", by Roy Harper Wenger, a genealogy of
Abraham Hoover Wenger, 1823.5.29 1899.2.23, G14523 Roy is Roy Harper Wenger,
1897.3.3, G188A521, Rev.
RHW "A Bit of Genealogy" by Roy Harper Wenger gives the descendants
of Abraham Zook Wenger, 1846.10.2 1913.9.11, G188A5
RKN Rachel E. Kulp, 1929.1.30, G18951642. Rachel also
updated the document SEM. Information labled SEM and associated with dates
after 1972 is due to her.
RLE "Family Record of Preacher Benjamin Eby and his Descendants",
1978 by Ruth L. Eby (Ruth Leona Eby, 1921.1.8, G14737232, 0)
RLE2 Theresa Ann Spitler Eberly rachaele@talon.net
RLH Robert L. Higgins, 1934.2.20, G14521793
RLMA "The Rotz Family", Compiled by Richard L. Miller and Richard L.
Arnold, 1989 Gateway Press, Inc. LCCCN 89-84633
RLO Richard Lee Oakes, 1944.3.4, G1411453231, *
RLS Rodney L. Solenberger, 1950~, G1413612511, *
RLW Richard Lee Winger, 1943.8.27, G14546221, 0, private
records and independent research. The regarding the descendants of Abraham
Wenger, G145 is based upon the personal researches of Richard Lee Winger, work
carried out over the years since 1984. In the process of researching the
descendants of Abraham, Richard Winger made a complete study of Hans'
descendants in Franklin County, Pa. which included many of John Wenger's, G14
and Martin Wenger's, G18 descendants. These researches led to the
identification of Abraham Wenger, G145 as a son of John Wenger, G14, an
identification postulated first by Samuel S. Wenger in a conversation with
Richard Winger. It should be mentioned that the above ordering of the children
of Hans Wenger is the new ordering. Richard has served as the Historian for the
Wenger Family Association for several years and we are all indebted to him for
his careful and complete research. ban@igc.org
RM Ron McAdams mcadams@flyernet.udayton.edu
RMB Rick M. Bender paladin2@uswest.net
RMB2 Robert McKelvy Bird, 1937.12.1, G133542111, *
RME Robert Miller Etter, 1932.7.13, G123121852 retter@unca.campus.mci.net
RMC Robert M. Cochran website http://www.cochranfamily.net/
RMW Ronald Mentzer Wenger, 1941.6.6, G188136321
RMW2 "Ancestry and Descendants of Aaron Weaver Martin
and Susanna (Susie) Hollinger Weaver", 2005 Robert Martin Weaver
RNU "John Burkhart Family History, 1747 1985", 1985 by Raymond N.
ROB "Brovont Book" by Ray O. Brovont (see Eric Blocher
ROR "The Ranks of The Rancks, A Ranck/Rank Family History and Genealogy",
1978 by J. Allan Ranck
RR Roger Rhoads Roger_Rhoads@montellna.com
RR2 Ronald Eugene Rife, 1945.5.13, G183273531 Celina, OH
RRA Ruth R. Acevedo
RRF "Three Centuries with the Rosenberger-Rosenberry Family 1698-1983",
complied by Myra J. Fields, 1983
RRW "Jacob Stoner and the Seven Siblings" Richard R. Weber, PMH
Jan. 1998
RRW "Stoner Brethren", 1993 by Richard R. Weber
RS Roger Sellers rogerage@lascruces.com
RS2 C. Robert Secrist, Galesburg, Michigan
RSL Richard Shull Lehman, 1924.10.24, G18832031
RSLC Regina Sue Christman, 1971.11.23, G1402164221, *
cemetery listing
RSM Raymond Sauder Martin MartinRS@aol.com
RW Robert A. Wenger, C3824C53 Robert is a Christian Wenger, C
line historian
RWD1 "Emigrants, Refugees and Prisoners", Richard
Warren Davis Vol. I
RWD2 "Emigrants, Refugees and Prisoners", Richard
Warren Davis Vol. II
RWD3 "Emigrants, Refugees and Prisoners", Richard
Warren Davis Vol. III
RWFISH Robert W. Fish
RWG Ruth Darlene Weitzel, 1952.6.7, G1234161121
RW-GED Refers to information compiled by Robert Alan Wenger, 1943.2.2, C3824C53 from TWB and
other sources.
RWH Robert W. Hermsen rhermsen@casagrande.com
RWR Raymond Wilbur Rife, 1941.12.26, G147114x4
RWW Ralph W. Wenger, 1924.7.8, G141145421
RXR Rex Lamar Russel Rex@midusa.net via MTW2
SAK Sarah A. Kerns - Sarah A.
Heisey, 1943~, G1412B1241, *
SB "The House of Spittler-Spitler, 1736-1976", 1977, by Gale E. S.
Honeyman (Gale Edwin Spitler Honeyman, 1938.7.8, G1411346311, 0)
SB2 Sue Bowman (Mrs. Robert A .Bowman) QDAA18A@prodigy.com
SB3 "Family Records of the descendants of Pioneer Joseph Bauman, also some
records of David and Henry Bauman", 1967 by Sarah Bauman / LDS Vault
US/CAN Film 908671 Item 2
SBF "A Study of the Brandt family of Lebanon Co., PA"
SBH Sandra Boles Haugner haugner@earthlink.net
SC Sandy Clippinger
SEM "Eby Family History", 1972 by Simeon E. Martin, printed by
Earle K. Wenger, Battle Creek, Mich. passed to DLW by RKN. RKN updated this
document. Information labeled SEM and associated with dates after 1972 is due
to her.
SEW Samuel Esbenshade Wenger, 1938.4.20, G13798461
provided the on his ancestors and other Hans Wenger descendants. See "Descendants of
Johann Daniel Espenshied and Elizabeth Lefever of Lancaster County,
Pennsylvania", Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage, Vol. XVII, no. 4, Oct.
1994. Samuel is the son of Samuel S. Wenger, Editor in chief of "The Wenger Book".
Samuel is a descendant of Christian Wenger, immigrant of 1727 as well as a
descendant of Hans Wenger.
SF Scott Feldmaier 106135.3520@compuserve.com
SF "Small Family" unknown author, found in the Franklin County
Historical Society
SFA1 "The Studebaker Family in America - 1736-1986", Volume I, Ralph
Epler Studebaker & Emmert Studebaker
SFA2 "The Studebaker Family in America - 1736-1986", Volume II,
Ralph Epler Studebaker & Emmert Studebaker, 1986 LCCN 86-61143
SFA3 "The Studebaker Family in America - 1736-1986", Volume III,
Ralph Epler Studebaker & Emmert Studebaker
SFHB "Stauffer Family History Book", 1982, Ezra Stauffer and Willis
SFP "We Weren't Always Prisers", 1995, by Surle Franklin Priser
SFR Shantz Family Record #1 found in the archives of LMHS
SFT "The Shetter Family Tree", 1994, Lois Ann Mast
SG Seth Emerson Gingrich, 1979.10.27, G222533266, *
SK Sandy Kauffman SKauff5096@aol.com
SKB Sandy Kauffman Bates SBates1011@aol.com
SL ShariL100@aol.com
SLC Shirley Louise Thomson, 1935~, G189226x3, a *
SLM Susie Lubberts Macdonald macgen@cgocable.net
SM Shirley Stover Murray, G141248831. Her information on
Elizabeth Wenger, G14124 descendants came from a book in the possession of
Walter L. Rinehart of Vandalia, Ohio, 1973. See entry for Walter in regard to
the day bed at the Garst museum. Murray480@aol.com
S_M Sandra Howry, 1955.11.20, G137356713, *
SMH Stanley M. Horst, 1925.6.9, G141316543
SMW Susan Mae Wenger, 1951.6.3, G111213121, *
SN Scott Leroy Nicodemus, 1951.6.10, G1412486261
SN2 Sherry Ann Taylor, 1950~, G1814143311, * xhermark@earthlink.net
SOR Stacie onionring@BLomand.Net
SPB Sophia Pearl Brubaker, 1941.10.18
SR Susan Reisinger
SRB "Genealogical Records of the Royer Family in America, Sabastian Royer's
Family", by Rev. J. G. Francis, 1928
SRR Sherrie Renee Reinford, 1977.6.23, G137A222263, *
SS Stephen Shirk, Ind.
SS2 Stephen Paul Shirk, 1967.5.5
SSY Sherrilynn Elizabeth
Smith, 1957.12.19, G1405132121 syuhas3@comcast.net
SWM "Family Record David W. Martin and Samuel W. Martin. Vol IV of the
Family Record Abraham Marin and His Descendants", 2003, Benjamin and
Phllis M. Eby
TAS "The Sherk Family", 1986 by Thomas A. Sherk
TDM "Family History and Descendants of Joseph W. Martin and Elizabeth W.
Nolt, 1872 1999" by Timothy D. Martin
TFF "The Forney Family" 1926 by John K. Forney via David Forney
TM Tracey Mitchell oldwell@flash.net
TMF "The Meyers Family" by Helen Brechbill Meyers and Helen Meyers
TMT Martha (Marti) Joan Stauffer, 1945.7.20, G131251631
TNC Thelma Catharine Neff, 1922.12.1, G131441423
TRF "The Reesor Family in Canada 1804-2000",
2000 by the Reesor Family Assoc.
TRL "A Tree in a Forrest", 1985 by Thomas R. Lehman, same as ATF
TTB "The Thuma Book, John Thuma/Thumma and Catharine Hollinger", by
Sonnie Thuma Fissel SonnieF@aol.com
TTH “Stahl A trip
Through History”, 1991
TW Terri Walker terjess@earthlink.net
TWB "The Wenger Book", edited by Samuel S. Wenger, 1978. Published
by the Pennsylvania German Heritage History, Inc., Lancaster, Pa. This is a
major book on the descendants of Christian Wenger, C and Eve Graybill and of
families married into those descendants. The on related families provides the
basis for research on many of the large well known families of early Lancaster
Co. Pa. The book provides some on the descendants of Hans Wenger, G, although
there are significant errors in the on Hans' descendants. The claim that
Abraham Wenger, G17 (new ordering) married an Indian squaw by the name of Anna
Eroe is incorrect. He married Anna Groh. John Wingert, G121 in "The Wenger
Book", is actually K1401, a descendant of another Wenger immigrant.
Christian Wenger, G125 in TWB is actually K1404. Susanna Wenger, G142 of TWB is
actually E19, a descendant of Hans Wenger, immigrant of 1737. Most importantly,
Abraham Wenger, G140 of TWB is actually G1415 The descendants G1711 through
G1719 of TWB are actually G181 through G189 (new ordering). Joseph Wenger, G173
of TWB is actually G183 (new ordering). His descendants should be renumbered to
reflect this change. Abraham Wenger, G1777 of TWB is actually G188 (new
ordering). His descendants should be renumbered to reflect this change. Martin
Winger, G1721 of TWB is actually G1831 (new ordering). His descendants should
be renumbered to reflect this change. The entry on page 1033 for AA1 has been
identified as Joseph (Wingert) Wenger, 1808 1880.10.10, G1819
TWH "A Genealogical Record of Rev. Hans Herr and his
lineal Descendants", by Theodore W. Herr, 1994 (Third Edition) Used with
"Index to Genealogical Record of Rev. Hans Herr and his Direct Lineal
Descendants", by Olde Springfield Shoppe, 1994 (compiled for the 1980
TWP twparker@sprynet.com
Vind. Vindicator, German Baptist Obituaries
VAG Veronica Anguiano veronica@anguiano.net
VGH Family Record of John G. Good and Mary S. Zimmerman
1668-2009, 2010 by Viola G. Herr
WEL Wayne Lucore welucore@yahoo.com
WC Wendy Ellen Everitt, 1961.5.10,, ^ chizekw@titanlink.com
VIN Vindicator, German Baptist Obituaries
VLW Vernon (Vern) Leroy Wingert, 1941.7.7, G18891015, Rev.
VLWB "Genealogical Report on Some Byers and Related Families from Franklin
Co., PA", draft Aug. 1999 by Vernon (Vern) Leroy Wingert
VRS Vera R. Shonk, 1959/60
VS Vanessa Stern
VW Virinia Walters vewaltpp@Alaska.NET
WAH Wyn Achenbaum wcachen@pop4.ibm.net
WAN "The Neff-Näf Family", A History of the Descendants of Henry
Neff, 1991
WBE "Family Record of the Descendants of Jacob Eby, 1815 1896 and Mary
(Polly) Bingeman, 1820 1915" 1992 by Wendell E. Eby
WBT “Who Begot Thee - Descendants of Jacob Brubaker of Snyder Co., PA”,
1976, Lois Ann Zook
WES William Edward Sharp, 1940.2.6, G183228421
WC Wendy Chizek chizekw@titanlink.com
WCD Wanda Cornwell Donthnier donthnw@email.uc.edu
WCD2 "2000 West Coast Directory, Old German Baptist Brethren", James
& Doria Shuman
WCMC “Directory of the Weaverland Conference Mennonite
Churchs”, 2005
WCMC2 “Directory of the Weaverland Conference Mennonite
Churchs”, 2010
WDG William Douglas Galebach, 1943.12.3, G141886111, *
WDW Wiley Donald Wenger, 1932.2.3, G141523542 wwenger@teleport.com
WFH "Wenger Family History 1727-1959, Genealogy
Book", A. M. Wenger, Bareville, PA
WJL Wilbur J. Linder
WLL "The William and Lucinda Landes Family", April 1987 by Alva D.
Landes, Covington, Ohio
WN William Neff
WNW William Noble Wingerd , E18A223
WO William Oberholtzer of Bethlehem, PA
WOH William O. Hykes. William is president of the Orrstown
Historical Society and prepared an update of the book, "My Life and Times"
by Roy Harper Wenger, 1897.3.3 1993.3.10, G188A521, Rev.
WRH William Roger Harris, 1930~, G172144111, * Roger has
done extensive research on the descendants of Abraham Wenger, 1740 1808, G17,
(i1748.9.16) rogerharris@cyg.net His help on the Canadian Wingers has been
WS William Wenger Saylor, 1923.1.23, G11322515 and Mabel
Wenger (Ristenbatt) Wenger, 1925.9.26, C7207751. Much of their information was
entered into a genealogy program by David Earl Ristenbatt, 1949.1.19,
G132421B332 and sent to DLW. It was William and Mabel's search for the Stefan
Wenger, G11 cemetery that led to the discovery of the Wenger Farm Cemetery on
Shumaker Road.
WW Wayne Watkins DLW spent a week with Wayne at the Brookville
Historical Society, Brookville, Montgomery Co. Ohio where he offers assistance
to researchers. Waynes help was invaluable in understanding the Montgomery Co.
descendants. His assistance is greatly appreciated
WWW Wissler, Whisler and Whistler Families, Oby J.
Bonawit, 1988
W53 "Early History and Genealogy of the Anderson-McCullough-McCune Families
and Related Lines of Franklin County, Pa.", 1953 by Elizabeth Brubaker
X31 Orpha Elizabeth Boyer, 1922.6.25, G14120471 via RW
X51 Anna Elizabeth Climenhaga, 1923.9.26 1993, G3314191, 0
via RW
X612 Carlin Lee Wenger, 1947.5.17, G141204912 via RW
YE Yolanda Edler mad@avci.net
ZFR "Ziegler Family Record", 1990 Floyd R. and Kathryn G. Mason
(Chart) From a family chart found among the papers of RDW
giving much of the family of Abraham Wenger, 1740 1808, G17, (i1748.9.16) and
in particular of Martin Wenger, 1812.1.3 1881.5.15, G1771. It is believed that
the chart was prepared by Stanley Alleman Wengert, 1897.9.8 1995.5.8, G1771341
about 1935
There are many other sources of family that were helpful to this research and
that have not been identified, mainly due to lack of knowledge of their names.
I offer my apologies to the authors and wish to express the gratitude of the
descendants for their efforts that have provided us with the information that might
otherwise be lost forever.
Acknowledgements Explanation of Notations
Other Abbreviations
Other Wenger Progenitors Sources of Information Location
of Cemeteries
Location of Cemeteries
Note: In 1941 the US Army acquired land in Letterkenny Twp. Franklin Co. Pa. to
be used as a depot. Nine cemeteries were on that land and access to the
cemeteries requires special permission from the Army. Several of those
cemeteries contain G line descendants, in particular the Plesant Hill Brethren
in Christ Cem., the Pleasant Hill Mennonite Cem., the Burkholder Cem. and the
Strasburg Mennonite Cem.
Cemetery Located in Darke Co., Ohio on rt. 49 south of Greenville at
Air Hill Brethren in Christ Church Cemetery. AHCC Located in
Greene Twp. Franklin Co., Pa. three miles north of Chambersburg on Route 997
(the old Route 2). John B. Wenger listed all inscriptions in 1959. Early graves
date from 1830. Originally called the Kreider Cemetery. Also called the Dunkard
Church, Mt. Airy near Nyestown CHPS gives the location as 40º.59N 77º38.11W
Amish Meeting House Cemetery (Churchtown Old Order Mennonite Church),
Churchtown, Lancaster Co., PA
Antrim Mennonite Church Cemetery Antrim Twp.
Franklin Co. Pa. located off of route 16 near Brown's Mill on the corner of Zarger
Road and Antrim Church Road. RCM. Also called Brethren in Christ Cem.
Greencastle, Pa.
Antrim Twp. Farm Cemetery located on the farm belonging to
Mr. David Rudolph, and formerly belonging to Samuel Wingerd, E166. It is
situated about 1/4 mile east of legislative route 887 and about 1/2 mile north
of the village of Mason Dixon, Pa. The cemetery plot is surrounded by an iron
pipe fence , but the iron wire fencing has long since rusted away. The plot has
been covered over with a slab of concrete and all headstones are cemented in
place. Some data has been covered with cement. The headstones are arranged in
rows running north and south, all facing east. The cemetery plot is
approximately 45 feet long and 22 feet wide and is located about 966 feet
southwest of the barn. (Information from J. Pfluege, 1971)
Appanosse Cemetery located near Overbrook in Douglas Co., KS
Arlington Cemetery Montgomery Co., OH located on National Rd.
just west of Arlington which is north of Brookville. There are two cemeteries
there. Parish is on the north side of the road, Arlington Cem. is on the south
Athens Cemetery Jewell Co., KS
Back Creek Cemetery is now the Lithia Baptist Church Cem.,
Lithia, Botetourt Co. VA See Lithia Baptist Church
Bareville Union Cemetery - West Earl Township, Lancaster
County, Pennsylvania - 40º54.6N76º10.16W Located west of Bareville to the north
of SR23 (New Holland Pike) on the west side of Brethren Church Road. AHR
Bareville Brethren Cemetery (CHPS)
Bear Creek Cemetery located on Rt. 35 in Madison Twp.,
Montgomery Co., OH
Bellegrove United Brethren (now United Methodist) Church
Cemetery Bellegrove, Lebanon Co. Pa.
Belle Springs Cemetery located south of Bertie, Ont.
Belle Spring Cemetery Navarre, Dickenson County, Kansas
Bertie Brethren in Christ Cemetery BBC located on
Church Road just west of Stevensville, Ontario, Canada. Site of the original
Tunker Church. Believed to be the original farm land of Abraham Winger,
1825.10.3 1904.10.6, G1758, Bishop
Bethel Cemetery located in Section 21 of Hayes Twp.,
Dickinson Co., KS at the corner of Mink Rd. and 2800 Ave. This is also called
the Moonlight Community. 39.001406 N,
97.110418 W
Bethel Cemetery located in Randolph Twp., Montgomery Co.,
Ohio south of West Milton on the Phillipsburg,-Union Road between State Routes
48 and 49. The road is just north of Union. There are two cemeteries on this
road.. Going west from State Route 48, the first cemetery is about 1 mile on
the right and is called Minnich Cemetery. The second cemetery is a few miles further
west and is much closer to Phillisburg, Ohio. This second cemetery, which is on
the right, is Bethel Cememtery. (thanks to Lynn Applegate,
Bert-Hoover Cemetery located about two miles north of Newburg,
Pa. on the Tree Square Hollow Road.
Bishop Hans Tschantz's Cemetery - West Lampeter
Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania - 39º58.33N76º13.47W. Located south
west of Strasburg on the west side of Pequea Lane south of Penn Grant Road In
poor condition in 1982 AHR Musser Graveyard (CHPS)
Bixler Cemetery (Midway
Mennonite Church Cem., Mahoning Co., OH)
#A05048 Creek Pioneer Cemetery Located on College
Road, in former Bertie Twp., Lot 14 Concession 10, now in the town of Fort
Erie, Ontario. Also known as Bolden or Tunker or Winger Cemetery. The entrance
is on the south side of College Road, approximately 1500 feet through the golf
course between Winger Road and Sider Road. The entrance gate is ornamented with
the name "#A05048 Creek Pioneer Cemetery". The #A05048 Creek is the
natural limit on the south side. The cemetery is on a 200 acre piece of land
bought in 1799 by John Winger the first Bishop of the Tunker Church of Canada,
now Brethren in Christ. He came to Ontario and obtained land on Dec. 16, 1799,
settling by #A05048 Creek in a beautiful heavily wooded area on which land the
present #A05048 Creek Cemetery is located. His is buried there, having died in
1828. Names found in the graveyard are: Beam, Climenhaga, House, High, Sherk,
Sider, Winger, Zimmerman, all relatives of the Wingers or members of the Tunker
Church. The Bishops of #A05048 Creek District were: (ALW)
John Hansley Winger, 1740 1828, G31, Bishop
(i1749.9.9) first Bishop of the Tunker Church of Canada
Peter Winger, 1796.8.22 1879.2.20, G310, Bishop
Abraham Winger, 1825.10.3 1904.10.6, G1758, Bishop
Jonas Winger, 1857.8.24 1922.2.2, G17586, Bishop
Bert Sherk, 1875.7.1 1959.6.1,, Bishop married Catherine M. Winger, 1876.5.2
1953.3.23, G31089
William Charlton, 1896.12.20 1974.11.3,, Bishop married Lillie (Lila) Mae
Sider, 1900.2.2 1953, G326622 and Anna Pearl Winger, 1906.8.6, G3225112, 0
Brandt's Church Cemetery Located on Route 1 St. Thomas,
Franklin Co. Pa. Road no. 28082 Three miles south west of St. Thomas, Pa.
Brackbill-Neff Cemetery - Strasburg Township, Lancaster
County, Pennsylvania - 39º58.19N76º11.379W vic Located three fourths of a mile
southwest of Strasburg on the south side of Twin Elm Road AHR (CHPS)
Brechbill Cemetery Hamilton Twp., Franklin Co., PA located on
Route 3 between Portico School and Frey's Mill on the Ft. McCord Road,
Chambersburg, Pa. located on the original Christian Brechbill farm.
Brown's Mill Church Cemetery Located near
Greencastle, Pa. Old Order German Baptist?
Brinzer Cemetery see Siloam
Brown's Mill Church of the Brethren Cemetery located north of
Greencastle at Marion, Antrim Twp. Franklin Co. Pa.
Bull Cemetery Reed family cemetery on the homestead in
Union Twp., Southwest, Elkart Co., IN.
Burkholder Cemetery Located on the farm land of Abraham
Wingert, G145 in Letterkenny Twp. Franklin Co. Pa. (later owned by his son
Christian). The cemetery was formed about 1820-30 from a portion of his land
and that of two neighbors. The land was purchased in 1941 by the US Army and is
now located in the Letterkenny Ordinance Depot. It lies about 3/4 miles as the
crow files north of Pleasant Hall, Pa. In 1959 John B. Wenger copied from all
markers in the cemetery. Information from his listing is indicated with JBW.
There were 113 readable stones. All but a few of the stones belong to
descendants of Hans Wenger, G1
Burkholder United Church Cemetery located on Mohawk
Road East, Hamilton Twp., Ontario, Canada
Calvary United Cemetery AKA St. Jacob's Evangelical
Cemetery located in Waterloo Co., Ontario, Canada
Carrollsburg Cemetery See Zimmerman Cemetery
Cedar Grove Cemetery Chambersburg, Franklin Co., Pa.
Cedar Grove Cemetery Fredericksburg, Lebanon Co., Pa. north
east of the town. 40º26.55N76º25.25W
Cedar Grove Mennonite Church Cemetery, on State Route 63
just south of E. Weaver Rd., Greencastle, Franklin Co., PA
Cedar Hill Cemetery Greencastle, Antrim Twp., Franklin Co.,
Pa. on route 16, one mile West of Greencastle.
Chambersburg Mennonite Church Cemetery, CMCC The
first person to be buried here was Daniel Groff, 1795.11.24 1857.8.22 The
second person was David W. Horst, 1820.9.8 1858.3.5, C5442, Rev. (DRL)
Christ Church Cemetery - Mastersonville, Rapho Township,
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania - 40º11.44N76º29.07W Located on the east side of
Colbrook Road at Mastersonville Road. AHR Mastersonville Brethren in Christ
Cemetery (CHPS)
Church of God Cemetery located on Route 533 near Orrstown,
Franklin Co. Pa.
Churchtown Old Order Mennonite Church (Amish Meeting House
Churchtown, Lancaster Co., PA
Coble Cemetery St. Thomas Twp. Franklin Co. Pa. north of
Lincoln Way West that runs from Chambersburg to Loudon
Conestoga Mennonite Church Cemetery Morgantown,
Lancaster Co., PA
Criders Cemetery located 5 miles north west of
Chambersburg, Pa. on the former Ross Meyers Farm on Route 4
Crider Cemetery located 2 miles west of Chambersburg, PA
on the Gerald Peckman property on Peckman Drive.
Christ Church Cemetery located on Mastersonville Road in
Mastersonville, Rapho Twp. Lancaster Co. Pa.
Daleville Cemetery Located on Rt. 220 at Daleville, Va.
Denlinger Cemetery - Lancaster, East Lampeter Township,
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania - 40º1.12N76º13.18W vic Located about a mile
east of the "Zook Greenhouse" along Gridely Road which is about a
half mile south of the Dutch Wonderland Amusement Park on Route 30 east of
Lancaster. It is situated on a knoll and is hidden from view by trees and
undergrowth. In neglect. (CHPS)
Denton Cemetery See Tombstone Cemetery
Detwiler Cemetery From Altoona take Rt 36 South past
Hollidaysburg. After Hollidaysburg, stay on Rt 36 south to Roaring Spring. At
Roaring Spring take a left onto Rt 164 toward Martinsburg (about 6 miles ). In
Martinsburg take a left onto Rt 866 (North). On Rt 866 there is a cemetery of
unknown name on your right. Along this road is where many Wikes, Detwilers,
Clappers, Rhodes lived. The Detwiler cemetery is on the left on some farmland
now owned by the Smith family. There is a road to turn onto from Rt 866. The
cemetery is on the left. (BW)
Dillers Mennonite Church Cemetery DMCC Located in
West Pennsboro, Twp. Cumberland Co. Pa.
Donnelsville Cemetery North Hampton Co. Ohio
Early (Wenger) Cemetery, located off of Early Rd., Harrisonburg, Rockingham Co., VA Near 3950 Early Rd.
there is a street that runs southeast. This street is about 200 feet northeast
of Leray Circle. Go down the street until it takes a left turn. The cemetery is
ahead of you at that point. Its location is sometimes given as Pleasant Valley.
Eastlawn Cemetery Zimmerdale, Harvey Co., KS (also called
Pennsylvania Church Cem.)
Ebenezer Cemetery (Ebenezer Greenwood) Located just north
west of Lebanon, Pa. 40º21.31N76º27.35W
Eby Cemetery - Monterey Upper Leacock Township,
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania 400410N0761041W Located at the Monterey Chapel.
Also called the Monterey Chapel Cemetery. The Monterey Chapel was originally
the Eby Meetinghouse of the German Baptists (Dunkards now Church of the
Brethren) but the graveyard was there before the church. The land for the
church was sold or donated by Henry Eby, 1812.3.11 1887.2.2, G13172 and Mary
Resh, 1814.9.8 1893.1.16. The graves are about 75% Eby's. JEM Monterey Chapel
Cemetery q.v. (CHPS)
Ehrstine Cemetery Madison Twp. Montgomery Co. Ohio
Fairview Cemetery Located in the SE corner of National Road
(the old original National Trail) US 40 and Union Road in Englewood, Randolph
Twp., Montgomery Co. OH RO
Fairview Cemetery Located in Martinsburg, Blair Co., PA
Fairview Old Order Mennonite Church Cemetery, Elco Drive, Myerstown,
Falling Spring Church Cemetery Located in
Guilford Twp. Franklin Co. Pa.
Frantz Cemetery Located about eighty rods south of the
National Road, three miles west of Springfield, Ohio
Fretz Cemetery Located on the original John Fretz
property, Lots 2 and 3, Concession 15, 16 of Bertie Twp. Ontario. Cemetery
found in 1971 as follows: Three miles south of the Brethren in Christ Church,
Welland, Ont. about a mile off the old Garrison Rd. off the first sideroad
which is west of Point Abino Rd.
Frey Cemetery Greene Twp. Franklin Co. Pa. on the
original Frey farm of John and Anna (RCM)
Gibble Cemetery Rapho Twp. Lancaster Co. Pa.
Gingrich Homestead Cemetery, Mt. Pleasant
Road, south of Annville, Lebanon Co., PA
Gish-Snider Cemetery Located on Spring Valley farm between
Amsterdam and Trinity, Rt. 220 south of Fincastle, Va. Many unmarked graves
Gipe's Grove Cem. Franklin Co. Pa.
Grantville Cemetery Grantville, East Hanover Twp. Dauphin Co.
Pa. See St. John United Methodist Cemetery (adjacent to East Hanover Twp.
Lebanon Co. Pa. )
Green Hill Cemetery South Potomac Street (PA 316) Waynesboro,
Greenmound Cemetery New Madison, Darke Co. Ohio
Greenville Union Cemetery Located at the edge of town
Greenville, Darke Co. Ohio. Union Cemetery is the older portion of the
cemetery. It contains some re-internments from the Water Street Cemetery and
the Briggs graveyard.
Grindstone Hill Cemetery Located along Pa. Route 316 between
Waynesboro and Chambersburg, Pa.
Groffdale Mennonite Cemetery (Wood Frame Church) located on
Groffdale Church Rd. just east of the intersection with Farmersville Rd. South.
Groffdale Conference.
Groffdale Mennonite Cemetery (Brick Church) located on
Groffdale Road North at the intersection with Brick Church Rd..
Grove Mill Cemetery Lancaster Co. Pa.?
Hades Church Cemetery Hades Brethern Church Antrim Twp. Franklin
Co. Pa. along Hades Church Road three miles north of Shady Grove and six miles
southeast of Chambersburg. Land sold by Emmanuel Hade in 1869 to build a church
building. RCM
Hanoverdale Brethren Cemetery Located on Hwy. 39
south of Hwy 22 Hershey Road South and Devonshire Heights Road at the Church of
the Brethren, Dauphin Co. Pa.
Happy Corner Cemetery Located just east of Union Blvd,
Montgomery Co. OH
Harshbarger Cemetery Mill Creek COB churchyard, near Port Republic Rd. and Mill Creek
Rd., Rockingham Co., VA
Heisey Hill Cemetery Gormley, Ontario, Canada
Henry Small Farm Cemetery Located 1/2 way between New
Franklin and Marion, Guilford Twp. Franklin Co. Pa.
Hernley Mennonite Cemetery - Rapho Township, Lancaster County,
Pennsylvania - 40º10.48N76º24.17W Located at Hernley's Church northwest of
Manheim near the intersection of East Hernly Road and SR 72 at about 285 East
Hernly Road. (CHPS)
Hill Church Cemetery Located in Cleona, PA
Hillside Cemetery Sedgewick, Kansas
Hoch Cemetery Lurgan Twp., Franklin Co., PA. near
Roxbury, PA. Also known as Shoemaker Cem. State Hwy 997 to Otterbein School
Road. Turn east to the first farm house. The cem. is behind the barn
Holsinger Cemetery Bakers Summit, Woodbury Twp., Bedford Co.,
Horst’s Cemetery, located a Horst Road and 419, north of
Schaefferstown, PA
Howry Cemetery - Strasburg Township, Lancaster County,
Pennsylvania - 39º59.36N76º10.57W - Located 1/2 Mile north of Strasburg on the
west side of SR896/Hartman Bridge Road AHR (CHPS)
John Miller Farm Family Cemetery Located on the
homestead of John (Hans) Gingrich Wenger,
1765.3.24 1848.9.2, G181, now (1998) the farm of Willis Miller Lesher, 1918.12.8 2003.6.24, G141314121, in a patch of
woods approximately 1/4 mile north of Legislative Route No. 28079 (Swamp Fox
Road) in Guilford Twp. Franklin Co. Pa. (approx. 39°51.67N 77°39.4W) Stones
grown over and hard to find and identify.
Kieffer Cemetery Located on the eastern boundary of West
Hanover Twp. on the farm owned by D. Kieffer across the line in Hanover Twp.
Dauphin Co. Pa. about a mile north of the Hanoverdale Brethren Church. The 1875
Dauphin Co. Atlas shows the location.
Kreider Cemetery Located in Pequea Twp. Lancaster Co. Pa.
beside the road leading from Highland Inn on the Willow St. turnpike (Fulton
Highway) to New Danville, Pa. GCK
Kreider Cemetery Lebanon Co. Pa. Located on the line
between the original two Kreider properties on Snitz Creek, Lebanon Co. Pa. today
(1919) south of the fair grounds a quarter of a mile, on the line between the
Lorenzo Laudermilch farm and the Uhrich farm. About 55 by 60 feet surrounded by
rough wire. JGFK
Kreider Cemetery see Air Hill Cemetery
Landis Valley Cemetery - Manheim Township, Lancaster
County, Pennsylvania - 40º54.3N76º16.25W - Located west of SR 272/Reading Road
at Valley Road. AHR Landis Valley Mennonite Cemetery (CHPS)
Laymantown Cemetery located in Laymantown, Botetourt Co., VA
Lichty Cemetery (formally Zimmerman Cemetery) This cemetery is located on the old Zimmerman farm and the entrance
has a sign 'Zimmerman' on the fence. Began as the Zimmerman Family Graveyard.
Located South East of Union Grove Road and Iron Bridge Road. Access through a
farm to the middle of a field. Used by Lichty Mennonite Church as church
cemetery., Lancaster Co., PA
Light Cemetery (Light Burial Plot) Bethel Twp. Lebanon
Co. Pa. 40°24'39''N76°24'43''W estimated. Located on the road from Lebanon to
Fredericksburg, after passing Freeport Mills, turn right at the second farm
house about one fourth of a mile. (believed to be Lightchurch Road) (JGF)
Lincoln Cemetery Chambersburg, Franklin Co. Pa.
Lithia Baptist Church Cemetery Lithia, Botetourt
Co. VA (Back Creek Cem.) Founded 1848 The Church was a union church having
Baptist, Brethern, Lutheran, and Methodist worshipping there. On Jan. 4, 1902
it became Baptist. DW
Little Cove Church Cemetery (Methodist Church)
located south of Sylvan, Warren Twp., Franklin Co. Pa. on road no. 456 (APL)
(DLW approximately 39º44.7N78º2W)
Long’s Meeting House Cemetery (South Annville
Meeting House Cemetery), Church Rd., South Annville, PA
Longenecker's Reformed Mennonite Cemetery - West Lampeter
Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania - 40º.16N76º13.07W 1 and 1\2 miles NE
of Strasburg on the west side of Strasburg Pike, east of Pioneer Road
Longeneckers Church (CHPS)
Lorane Grange Cemetery Located in a grove of tall pines
far back on a rolling hillside on what is now the King Estate's Winery on
Territorial Road near the intersection with the Cottage Grove-Lorane highway.
Lower Stillwater Church Cemetery Montgomery Co.
Ohio German Baptist Brethren
Maple Lawn Cemetery located at Flora, Ind.
Maple Lawn Cemetery located just west of the village of
Winger, Wainfleet Twp., Welland Co., Ontario
Maple Lawn Cemetery believed to be located near Gromley,
Marion Mennonite Church Cemetery located north of
Marion, Franklin Co., PA
Mellinger's Cemetery - East Lampeter Township Lancaster County,
Pennsylvania - 40º2.00N76º14.59W Located east of Lancaster at 1901 Lincoln
Highway East (SR 462) by the intersection with Greenfield Road Mellinger's
Mennonite Church Cemetery (CHPS)
Mennonite Cemetery located on Bethlehem Steel land in Cornwall,
Pa. (JHB2)
Mennonite Cemetery - Leacock Township Lancaster County,
Pennsylvania - 40º2.49N76º3.27W 3 miles east of Intercourse on Redwell Road
/T778 east of North New Holland Road AHR Pequea Old Order Mennonite Cemetery
Methodist Episcopal Church Cemetery - Strasburg,
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania - 39º58.58N76º10.48W South side of west Main
Street/SR741 AHR Wesley Methodist Cemetey (CHPS)
Meyer (homestead) Cemetery Bethel Twp. Lebanon Co. Pa. Located
near Shirksville on a 150 acre farm which was Jacob Meyer's in 1750. The land
came from a 500 acre piece that his father Johannes Meyer obtained. The 150
acre piece is now owned by Mrs. Helen Deaven. The cemetery is on a hill just
north of the Shirksville Road and just west of the Fredericksburg Road. Access
is via the farm house at the end of the long driveway off of Fredericksburg
Road.. An isolated tree identifies the cemetery. About 40 stones, mostly
unreadable. Some early Obetrholtzers, Meyers and Wengers.
Meyers Cemetery near Welsh Run, Pa.
Meyers Cemetery located along route 416 and Licking Creek
near Mercersburg, Pa.
Michigan Avenue (Bern) Mennonite Cemetery located one mile
east of Pigeon, Huron Co., Mich. on M-142, then north 1 3/4 mile on Brown Rd.
Midway Mennonite Church Cemetery Columbiana, Mahoning Co., located on Columbiana-Canfield Rd.
just north of Renkenberger Rd. Also known as the Bixler Cemetery and the Oberholtzer
Church Cemetery.
Millbach Meeting House Cemetery, Chapel Rd. and South Millbach Rd.,
Millbach, PA
Miller-Gingrich Cemetery North Annville Twp., Lebanon Co.,
PA (in farmer's field)
Miller Cemetery (Palestine Old German Baptist Brethren
Cemetery) located near Palestine, Darke Co. OH
Minnich Cemetery located on Phillipsburg-Union Rd., west of
State Route 48 in Union Twp., Montgomery Co., OH. There are two cemeteries on
this road.. Going west from State Route 48, the first cemetery is about 1 mile
on the right and is called Minnich Cemetery. The second cemetery is a few miles further west
and is much closer to Phillisburg, Ohio. This second cemetery, which is on the
right, is Bethel Cememtery. (thanks to Lynn Applegate, lapplegate@ravenet.com).
Mississinewa Cemetery Located in Wabash Co. Ind. 2 miles north
of Somerset, Ind. on Ind. State Road 13 These graves were moved from the Old
Vernon Cem. Just across the road from Somerset because of the building of the
Mississinewa Dam Reservoir 1966-1968
Mt. Annville Cemetery, Gingrich Homestead Cemetery, Mt.
Pleasant Road, south of Annville, Lebanon Co., PA
Mt. Holly Springs Cemetery Mt. Holly Springs, Pa.
Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Gingrich Homestead Cemetery, Mt.
Pleasant Road, south of Annville, Lebanon Co., PA
Mt. Rock Church Cemetery Located sourth of Shippensburg, Pa.
Monterey Chapel Cemetery - Monterey, Upper Leacock Township,
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania - 40º4.10N76º10.41W Located south of Leola, west
of Newport Road (SR 772) at approximately 17 West Eby Road Once the Eby
Cemetery, it is currently affiliated with the Christian Brethren (formerly
Plymouth Brethren) since 1976. From 1946-1975, the church was the Monterey
Mennonite Church, which moved and became the Forest Hills Mennonite Church.
Before that, from 1860-1946, it was the Eby Church of the Brethren. Most of the
Ebys buried here were German Baptist Brethren. JEM (CHPS)
Moss Cemetery Located at Flora, Carroll County, Indiana
Mote Cemetery Located on Pitsburg-Laura Rd. in Monroe
Twp., Darke Co., OH between Pitsburg and Laura.
Mudbrook Cemetery Located beside St. Jacob Lutheran Church,
8697 Mudbrook Road, NW near McDonaldsville, Stark Co., Ohio, 1.5 miles west of
Muddy Creek Mennonite Church Cemetery located at the
corner of Lausch Rd. and S. Muddy Creek Rd., east of Reamstown, PA
Myers Cemetery Located midway between Orrstown and
Pleasant Hall, Pa. on Route 533 (old Route 1). This cemetery in on a portion of
the original farm of John Myers, 1750 1824
New Enterprise Cemetery located in New Enterprise, Bedford
Co., PA.
New Guilford Brethren in Christ Cemetery Guilford Twp.
Franklin Co. Pa. Five miles south east of Chambersburg, Pa. On Mont Alto Road
between Duffield and Mont Alto. Travel east on Route 30 from Chambersburg, turn
right onto Mont Alto Road. Travel 3 miles and you will find the cemetery on the
right at the corner of Fetterhoff Chapel Road. The cemetery is about 1.4 miles
beyond the current New Guilford Church. Most buried here are G descendants.
New Harris Creek Cemetery Bradford, Newberry Twp. Miami Co.
Oak Grove Cemetery (Snoke Cemetery) located in North Webster,
Oberholtzer Church Cemetery, Mahoning Co., OH.
Now called the Midway
Mennonite Church Cemetery.
Old Martindale Mennonite Cemetery Martindale,
Lancaster Co., PA Also called the Zimmerman Farm Cem.
Olive Grove Cemetery Located on Painter Road Extension in Los
Nietas near Whittier, California Brethren. Also called New River Cem. Near New
River Church.
Palestine Old German Baptist Brethren Cemetery (Miller Cemetery)
located near Palestine, Darke Co. OH
Palmyra Cemetery Palmyra, Lebanon Co. Pa. Located on west
Cherry St 40º18.19N79º35.41W
Parish Cemetery Arlington, Clay Twp., Montgomery Co., OH
located on National Rd. just west of Arlington which is north of Brookville.
There are two cemeteries there. Parish is on the north side of the road,
Arlington Cem. is on the south side.
Parklawns Memorial Gardens located near Chambersburg, PA at
the intersection of US Route 11 and 997
Penryn Cemetery Penryn, Penn Twp. Lancaster Co. Pa.
Pennsylvania Church Cemetery, (Eastlawn
Cemetery) Zimmerdale, Harvey Co., KS
Pequea Brethren in Christ Cemetery - Pequea Township
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania - 39º57.27N76º18.47W Located west of
SR324/Marticville Pike, south of Penn Grant Road on Church Road AHR Hess's
Cemetery (CHPS)
Plesant Hall Cemetery Located in Lugan Twp., Franklin County,
Pleasant Hill Brethren in Christ Cemetery Letterkenny Twp.
Franklin Co. Pa. Church of the River Brethren, 1 1/2 miles from Rocky Spring,
now called Zooks Church (approx. 39°59.7N77°41.67W) Located east of Lake Letterkenny
Pleasant Hill Mennonite Cemetery located next to
the Pleasant
Hill Brethren in Christ Cemetery.
Pleasant Hill Cemetery Brookville, Ohio
Pleasant Hill Cemetery Pleasant Grove, Kansas. Also called
the Flory Cemetery
Pleasant Hill Cemetery on Pleasant Hill
Rd. between Snells Rd. and Finney Rd., south west of Virden, IL
Pleasant View Mennonite Church Cemetery, Rockingham Co.,
VA located at the corner of Coakley Town Rd. and Rushville Rd. northwest of
Dayton, VA
Polk Grove Cemetery located next to Polk Grove Chruch on the
old National Rd. Route 40 at Nashville-Frederick Rd. in Butler Twp., Mongomery
Co., OH
Prospect Lawn Cemetery on Stevens Rd. near Hwy 62,
Hamburg, Erie Co., NY
Prices Brethren Church Cemetery near Waynesboro,
Rebuck Cemetery Located near Otterbein about two miles
from Roxbury in Lurgan Twp., Franklin Co., PA. The old directions are (possibly
no longer useful), turn right at the farm building (once owned by Mrs. Morris
Mentzer) and go down a long lane. The cemetery is located across the creek. The
burial plot was bought from Samuel R. Hoover and Mary Rohrer Hoover. Rodney
(Rod) Eugene Heberlig, 1958.5.14, G1889B1345 provides the following directions:
From Roxbury, Pa. follow Route 641 east for three miles. Turn right onto Paxton
Run Road. Immediately turn right onto Otterbein Church Road. One half mile back
of Otterbein Church Road are farm buildings currently owned by an Amish family.
After passing them, continue for another quarter mile until you see a lane on
the right. There are currently trees on both sides of this lane. Walk back
along the lane about 300 yards until you come to a stream. Don't cross the
stream, but turn left and go about 100 yards. The cemetery is currently
surrounded by a white board fence. The cemetery has not been well maintaned in
recent years and has brush and small trees growing in and around it. Rod found
this cemetery by chance while riding bikes as a boy. He was able to find it
again after 25 years.
Reed's Cemetery Located 2 miles south & 1/2 miles west
of Roann, Wabash Co., Ind.
Reiff's Mennonite Church Cemetery near Cearfoss, MD.
Was called the Witmer Church. The Witmer family donated the land for the church
and cem. 17433 Reiff Church Rd. Hagerstown, MD
Resh/Resch (Weavertown Amish-Mennonite) (Beachy) Cemetery - Leacock
Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania - 40º2.46N76º9.45W Located at Molasses
Hill north east of Bird-in-Hand at Weavertown Mennonite Church on the original
Henry Resh land. At 2943 Church Road where Orchard Road dead ends Solid stone
wall around the original cemetery was built in 1839 CR Weavertown Cemetery
Rest Haven Cemetery Hagerstown, MD 1601 Pennsylvania Ave.
Ringgold Brethren in Christ Church Cemetery Ringgold, Wash.
Co. Md.
Ringgold old Mennonite Cemetery located next to
the Brethren in Christ Cemetery. Also many who became River Brethren (Brethren
in Christ) DRL
Riverside Cemetery located in West Milton, OH
Rohrer's Cemetery South Bend, Ind. Located on a little hill
on the former property of Fred Ullery, genealogist, in the backyard next to a
busy street across the road from Erskine Golf Course off of Ireland Road. High
street is nearby. There is no marking for the cemetery.
Rosebank Brethrin Christ Cemetery Romona, Kansas
Rowe Mennonite Cemetery Located near Chambersburg, Pa.
Royer’s Meeting House Cemetery, German Baptist
Brethren, located between Myerstown and Richland, PA at the corner of Royers
Rd. and Elm St.
Salem German Reformed Church Cemetery On Salem Church
Road, off Marsh Road, 6 mi sw of Waynesboro. Also 1 1/2 mi north of both
Leitersburg Road and Funk-Nichodemus Mansion Farm at "Big Spring" JSC
Salem Cemetery Hamilton Twp., Franklin Co., PA. This may
be the following cemetery
Salem Cemetery Rt. #2, Chambersburg, Greene Twp. Franklin
Co. Pa. Three separate churchs and cemeteries, United Brethren Radical
(northern part), Church of the Brethren (eastern part), Liberal United Brethren
(western part) JBW
Shank's Church of the Brethren Cemetery located at
Greencastle, Antrim Twp. Franklin Co. Pa. south of Greencastle on Shank's
Church Road, visible from the Williamsport Pike. RCM
Shank's Cemetery located south of Waynesboro, Franklin Co.
Sharpeye Cemetery West of Greenville, Darke Co., Ohio on rt.
502, just east of Sharpeye 40.01ºN84.75ºW
Shafer Family Cemetery located near Springwood, VA on the
old Shafer property, now owned by Grace Gilliam (DW)
Sheldon Cemetery Sheldon, Ill.
Sherks Church Cemetery Lebanon Co. Pa. Located at Sherks
Meeting House, RR2, Annville, Pa. four miles south of Grantville, Lebanon Co.
Pa. (three miles east of Grantville?) 40º21.819N76º36.45W
Shoemaker/Hoch Cemetery See Hoch cemetery.
Shumacher Cemetery - Rapho Township, Lancaster County,
Pennsylvania - 40º10.19N76º24.54W Located north west of Manheim at the
intersection of Shumaker Road and Old Line Road on the east side of Shumaker
Road. (CHPS)
Siloam Cem., Wenger Cem., Brinzer Cem., Branger Cem., Zook
Cem., Lehman Family Graveyard Cem. Franklin Co. Pa. This cemetery is located
on part of the original Martin Wenger, G18 farm on Conochocheague Creek, about
two miles north of the Memorial Square of Chambersburg, Pa. It may be reached
as follows (directions from Rod Heberlig): from the center of Chambersburg
travel north on Route 11 about 1.5 miles. Turn left onto Siloam Road. Go .3
(three tenths) mile and turn right onto Airport Road. Go about .1 to .2 miles
and the cemetery is on the right between the houses located at 2894 and 2924
Airport Road. The house currently at 2924 Airport Road is on the land once
owned by the church. Martin Wenger and his wives Ann Gingerich and Catherine
Funk are buried here as well as Bishop Daniel Lehman. Abraham R. Wenger, son of
Martin Wenger, inherited his father's farm and donated an area adjoining the
cemetery to the Brinzer branch of the River Brethren Church for a meeting
house. After that time the cemetery became known as the Brinzer Cemetery. When
the congregation became small the Wenger Cemetery Association was given the
right to dispose of the meeting house by the Franklin County Court. At one time
the property was owned by the Joseph Zook, 1787.3.3 1852.7.16 family and it was
then called the Zook Cemetery. The money received for the building was added to
the endowment fund for the care of the cemetery. The oldest marker is 1793. The
original home and barn of Martin Wenger, G18 are visible about 1/4 mile
northeast from the cemetery when the leaves are off the trees. 145 graves.
Families found in the cemetery are Wenger, Zook, Lehman, Detwiler, Hoffman,
Horst, Lesher and Whisler along with others. The name Siloam is due to the
small hamlet of Siloam which is nearby. A detailed history of the cemetery is
given in "Conococheague
Mennonist", published by Mennonite Historical Association of the
Cumberland Valley, April 1997. The Association acquired the cemetery in 1996
and it is now cared for by a committee of three trustees, Titus Wadel,
G1471732131 a Mennonite, Avery Zook, G13659522 a Brethren in Christ and Oliver
Heisey, an Old Order River Brethren. Titus and Avery are both Hans Wenger
descendants and Oliver married a Hans Wenger descendant
Slate Hill Mennonite Cemetery SHMC Lower Allen
Twp., Cumberland Co., PA
Snider Cemetery located along the boundary of the
Letterkenny Army Depot, Franklin Co. Pa. just south of Gate #14 Stone wall. Not
on the Army property and thus not in the care of the Army. Twenty four stones
stood in 1933, four not readable. The stones were gone in 1993, vandalized and
dispersed., two were found in the stream bed and taken to the Historical Museum
in Chambersburg, Pa.
Sollenberger Farm Cemetery south of Scotland, Franklin Co. Pa.
South Annville Meeting House Cemetery (Long’s Meeting
House Cemetery), Church Rd., South Annville, PA
Spring Hill Cemetery located at 114 North Morris Street in
Shippensburg, Cumberland Co. Pa. It is the largest cemetery in the Shippensburg
St. Jacob's Evangelical Cemetery AKA Calvary United
Cemetery located in Waterloo Co., Ontario, Canada
St. Jacobs Mennonite Cemetery On a road in an
area called Three Bridges (a road with 3 bridges, not a town) in the area of
Conestoga, Ont.
St. John United Methodist Church Cemetery Grantville, East
Hanover Twp. Dauphin Co. Pa. (adjacent to East Hanover Twp. Lebanon Co. Pa.)
(Formerly United Brethren)
Stone Bridge Church of the Brethren Cemetery located just south
of the Mason-Dixon Line in Washtington Co., MD at the new bridge over the
Licking Creek along the continuation of the road which has the Pennsylvania No.
456. (APL) REW give s the following story. If you look east from the Church
just across the line in Wash. Co. MD you will see some farm buildings with a
large barn. Ephraim Winger, G184A1 was married in that barn in 1867. It happens
that the Mason-Dixon line cuts through a corner of the barn and the house was
on the Maryland side., nearly all the barn in Pennsylvania. At that time no
marriage license was required in Pa., but was in MD. So the young couple
avoided a long trip to Hagerstown for a license, and therefore the fee.. (DLW
approximately 39º43.3N78º3.5W)
Stone Church Cemetery located in Little Cove, Warren Twp.,
Franklin Co., Pa. German Reformed and Lutheran. (DLW approximately
Strasburg Cemetery - Strasburg Bourough Lancaster County,
Pennsylvania - 39º58.53N76º10.55W - Located on the south side of West Franklin
Street Methodist (CHPS)
Strasburg Mennonite Church Cemetery Located along what
is now Tennessee Ave. in Letterkenny Army Depot, Letterkenney Twp. Franklin Co.
Studebaker CemeteryLocated in Montgomery Co., OH along
Studebaker Rd., off to the east of St. Rt. 202. On the left side you will see a
pond, then look for a dirt road just past a home with a pole barn. Go down the
drive past the house and out into the field to the cemetery.
Stoufferstown Cemetery Stouffer Ave. Chambersburg, Pa.
Studebaker Cemetery Located in Mont. Co, OH along Studebaker
Rd. off to the east of St. Rt. 202. On the left side you will see a pond, then
look for a dirt road just past a home with a pole barn. Go down the drive past
the house and out into the field to the cemetery.
Stumptown Mennonite Cemetery - Upper Leacock
Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania - 40º3.44N76º10.05W On Stumptown Road
west of Newport Road (SR 772) and east of Monterey Road (CHPS)
Tombstone Cemetery (Old Tombstone Cemetery) Located on
Plantation Road near Hollins in Roanoke Co. Va. (also called the Denton
Cemetery, Benjamin Denton was the first owner of the land). Names found in the
cemetery: Abshire, Bell, Bishop, Blane, Boothe, Burroughs, Chittum, Clanton,
Collins, Coon, Cox, Danner, Day, Dent, Dillard, Dooley, Engle, Etter, Feller,
Frantz, Garber, Gish, Harris, Hartman, Helm, Huff, Huffman, Jeter, Kesler,
Kinzie, Lambert, Lavender, Locke, Mullins, Myers, Nelms, Newsome, Nininger,
Obenshain, Old, Patterson, Petty, Quisenberry, Richardson, Rieley, Roberts,
Robinson, Rucher, Sperry, Stoutamire, Trout, Walrond, Williams
Trinity Cemetery located on route 220 near Fincastle,
Botetourt Co., VA
Troutville Cemetery located in Troutville, Botetourt Co., VA
Union Cemetery Lebanon Co. Pa. 40º25.37N76º23.43W and
Union Cemetery Located on Indy Rd., south of 3000 Ave.,
Abilene, Kansas (also called Livingston Cemetery)
United Brethren Church Cemetery - Intercourse,
Leacock Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania - 40º21.2N76º6.21W - Located
on the east side of Queen Street. This also might be the Intercourse Uynited
Methodis Church Cemetery Now called the Intercourse United Methodist Cemetey
United Zion Church Cemetery, Jonestown See
Wenger Cemetery, Jonestown, Pa.
Vicksburg Old Order Mennonite Church Cemetery, Union Co., PA
located on Beaver Run Rd. between Old Turnpike Rd. and Furnace Rd.
Warner Cemetery (two cemeteries) The older is on Sweet
Potatoe Ridge Rd. west of State Route 48 at Union. Two miles further west is
the active cemetery. Old Randolph Twp., Montgomery Co., OH
Warren Point Winger Cemetery Located near
the Clempston Weller home at Warren Point, Warren Twp. Franklin Co. Pa. Called
the Winger Plot. Associated with Martin J. (Winger) Wenger, 1769.8.10
1826.8.13, G184 (DLW approximately 39º43.5N78º4.8W
Weaver Mennonite Church Cemetery near 2272 Rawley Pike, Harrisonburg, Rockingham Co., VA on the north side of the
Weaverland Mennonite Cemetery - East Earl
Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania - 40º7.44N76º2.35W Located north east
of Blue Ball on SR 897 / Weaverland Valley Road near it's intersecton with
Weaverland Road (CHPS)
Webster Cemetery Allen Twp. Darke Co. Ohio. About midway
between Lightsville and Rossburg (northeast quarter of section 32) on the south
side of the road. A note reads "erect a house of worship of M. E. Church
and a reasonable portion of said lot may be used as a graveyard". The
church no longer exists. The cem. is sometimes called the Dutch Cem.. There is
a Dutch Church a bit to the west of the cem. 40º16.45N84º40.33W
Wenger Cemetery, Franklin Co. Pa. See Siloan Cemetery
Wenger Cemetery, Jonestown, Lebanon Co. Pa. The Wenger
Cemetery is associated with the Wenger Meeting House (United Zion Church). The
meeting house was built in 1871 and dedicated by Mathias Brinser who founded
the United Zion Church. He was excommunicated from the River Brethren due to
his having constructed a place for worship. The cemetery is just north and east
of Jonestown on the original homestead of Hans Wenger, G1. The earliest stone
is for Christian Wenger, 1756.12.23 1841.7.28, G141, Rev. His grandfather is
believed to be buried in the grave yard as well as other earlier members of the
family, but no stones exist.There is another larger and newer cemetery
adjoining this cemetery which is Lutheran. John Adam Brandt, 1878.2.13 1963,
G1366312, Rev. gives the following details (prepared about 1960): Jacob Wenger
(Jacob W. Wenger, 1807.5.17 1881.4.10, G1405) gave a deed of trust to his
brother Levi Wenger in 1859 for the then 75x80 foot grave yard. In 1871 the
meeting house was built on the south side of the grave yard. Then in 1872 Levi
Wenger deeded the grave yard back to Jacob Wenger. Later in the year of 1872 Jacob
Wenger gave a deed of the land where the church was built, the yard in front of
the church including the driveway leading to the then public road and the grave
yard to the United Zions Church for five dollars. Christian Wenger, David
Wenger and Henry Haldeman were the first trustees of the church (believed to be
Christian Wenger, 1805.10.28 1876.12.4, G1404, Rev., David W. Wenger, 1829.6.27
1891.3.12, G14185, Rev.). The deed called for the grave yard to be used for the
Wengers, Heiseys, Haldemans, Books, Lights & Longs and their relatives, or
any body who wishes to bury there, but all that would bury there would have to
share in paying for the upkeep of the fence around the grave yard. In 1889 land
was bought from John L. Wenger, Jacob's son, to the west of the church for
burial lots. In 1906 another addition to the cemetery was bought and also
ground for a shed to shelter the horses and carriages during the times of
services. In 1925 the cemetery was separated from the church proper and was
chartered and was then a chartered cemetery operated separately from the
church. However, until Aug. 24, 1953, the trustees for the church and cemetery
were the same people, but elected separately. In 1955, the horse and carriage
shed having been removed, additional land was acquired from Mr. Clayton H.
Fortna for additional parking space. In 1977 the church property was up for
sale and the cemetery association purchased the property. 40º25.06N76º28.28W
Wenger Farm Cemetery - Rapho Township, Lancaster County,
Pennsylvania - 40º10.646N76º25.898W This cememtery is located on the boundary
between two of the properties of Stephen Wenger, G11. The stones are scattered
along the edge of the field. There are two entrances to this cememtery, one via
the farm on Old Line Road, believed to be the original Stephen Wenger property,
last in the Wenger family as the farm of Martin Wenger, more recently owned by
Larry Martin and currently by Curvin Hoover. The other entrance is via 1531 Shumaker
Road, the entrance to the Victor Wenger farm. Information about the stones in
this cemetery came from William Wenger Saylor, 1923.1.23, G11322515 and his
wife Mabel Ristenbatt Saylor. (CHPS)
Wenger Cemetery, Butler Twp. Montgomery Co. Ohio Located
just east of Little York (section 30) on the original farm of John Weaver
Wenger, 1778.4.11 1851.5.12, G1411, Rev. The farm is located just northwest of
the intersection of Frederick Pike and Meeker Road. The cemetery is accesible
from the Pike or Meeker Road and is located on a small hill top. The original
farm extended north and west from the farm house and was about 200 acres in
size. The farm was owned by John Weaver Wenger, G14115 in 1869, by Rev. Ephraim
Eby, 1835 1913 husband of Elizabeth Wenger, G141157 in 1895, by E. B. Lodge in
1940 , by the Chitwood family in 1988 and by the Lambert family in 1995 (8025
Meeker Road)
Wingard Farm Family Cemetery Antrim Twp.,
Franklin Co., PA located on farm off of Williamsport Pike about 1/2 mile north
of Mason Dixon, MD. Stones are encased in one concrete slab. Names found are
Wingard, Wengerd and Wingert with dates from 1849. This is the family of Joseph
Wingerd, 1774.5.8 1848.9.22, E16. 45 feet by 22 feet. About 966 feet southwest
of the barn on the property. DLW Approximate location is 39º44.14N77º45.22W
Wingard Cemetery, Delphi, Indiana Located north east of
Delphi. The cemetery is reached from Delphi as follows: From Court House Square
travel east on Main St. three blocks to its intersection with Wilson St. Turn left
(north) at this intersection and follow Wilson St. out of town past the local
cemetery to the first road turning off to the right, a distance of 1.4 miles.
Turn right on this road and follow it for 2.2 miles. This is a gravel road,
except for the first half mile, and has many turns. The cemetery is adjacent to
the east side of the road in a wooded section. Nearly all of the approximately
50 people buried here can be identified as descendants of John Wingard, their
spouses or relatives. A list of inscriptions was made by Mrs. Homer Irwin.
Witmer Cemetery, now called the Reiff’s Cemetery.
Wood Colony Cemetery Located on Dakota Ave. Modesto, Californa.
Worman Cemetery A family cemetery on road north of Old
National Highway Route 40 on State Route 49, turning west on Wellbaum Rd. south
of Phillipsburg, OH. All but destroyed by actions of the township officials.
First settler of Clay Twp. Joseph and Mary Rohrer are buried here. (GESH)
Yellow Creek Brick Cemetery,
Harrison Twp., Elkhart Co., IN, corner of Elkhart County Roads 38 & 11
Zerby Cemetery located in Allen Twp., Darke Co., OH north
of the Rossburg-Lightsville Rd. just east of Hwy 77.
Zimmerman Family Burial Grounds (BG) (also Carrollsburg
Cem.) Liberty Twp., Adams Co., PA south of Gettysburg and near Maryland
State Line turn west off US RT 15 onto or Cochran-Annan Boyle Rd. Go about one
mile to Stultz Rd and turn right, then go .1 mile where there is a dirt lane
into a wooded area on the left side of Stultz Road. Turn onto this lane and go
.4 mile to a point where a macadam driveway begins into a private estate. From
this point you will walk around the edge of a field to the cemetery located in
the northeast corner of the field. This is private property and there may be a
chain across the entrance into this lane. In this case go to the first farm
house on the same side of the road and inquire about entry to the cemetery.
Zimmerman Cemetery (now called Lichty Cemetery) Lancaster
Co., PA
Zion Cemetery Located west of Bringhurst, Ind., near
unknown cemetery Located just off the Fort McCord Road west
of Chambersburg, Pa. Turn right at the foot of the hill onto the Fort McCord
Road off of Edenville Road.
Introduction Acknowledgements Explanation
of Notations
Other Abbreviations
Other Wenger Progenitors Sources of Information Location
of Cemeteries